• Michael Taylor Wants His Cornflakes (WTKA audio)

    Turns out the WTKA afternoon show on Thursday was just as exciting as the morning show.  Michael Taylor dialed up Jeff DeFran and went off on a spittle-filled rant, furious about the hiring of Curt Mallory over Taylor’s preference Corwin Brown.  Clip: [display_podcast] . Obviously Taylor knows something about the matter and has been in touch with Brown, who Taylor says is “hurt”.   The former M quarterback more than implies race was a factor in the hire and he’s pissed. One point – Taylor goes on and on about supporting Michigan letterman and how there’s a recent history of the administration spitting in the face of letterman.  Of course Mallory is a letterman.  And did you know that Brown, Taylor and Mallory were teammates on the 1989 squad, Bo’s last season? I like Taylor’s contributions to WTKA – on Sunday (where has he been?) and with the occasional phone call.   One thing I always struggle with is Michael’s oft-repeated stance that his status as a letterman/former football player provides him the trump card over anyone’s opinion in all matters pertaining to U-M football.  Come on. Speaking of qualifications [nice segue] I’m disqualified from commenting on Mallory vs. Brown since I joined a band of ten merry, pickled students who spelled C-O-R-N-F-L-A-K-E-S on our chests back at a game in 1992. …