[7/11/2022 – Bumping in honor of Coach Mo. If you haven’t seen this video before, please watch – it’s amazing.]
Check this out, the Gary Moeller headset audio was included in the Notre Dame game program thanks to the athletic department. My man Steve “Dr. Sap” Sapardanis spliced the video sequence over the audio. Here’s the short version of the whole thing put together:
Full Breakdown
I had to know more. So I arranged with Ira Weintraub of WTKA to host coach Moeller in a private studio session where we walked through this play, the moment, and the headset audio in fine detail. Here’s that extended audio:
At first, you hear Grbac calling the play, which appears to be, “Right side 29, Caesar or Yost.” Then you hear Moeller talking to Grbac, presumably in the huddle right before the play: “If you’ve got a simple completion, throw it.” Later, Moeller also second-guesses himself to offensive coordinator Jerry Hanlon upstairs!

Then the next part is amazing. Moeller then is talking directly to Howard, telling the Heisman candidate: “Desmond, you’ve gotta look it in.” Jeez, that is awesome. (and he did):
You then hear Moeller talking to the coaches on the headset, presumably as the team is lining up, telling them exactly what is about to happen:
Moeller: “You know what we’re gonna do right now? He’s gonna throw it to Desmond and Desmond’s going to score a touchdown…”
One of the coolest things I’ve seen/heard.
MORE: Moeller’s detailed breakdown of each segment of audio here. And as a bonus, a few thoughts from Lou Holtz from the other side of the equation.
Wow, that is beyond cool. I hope that memo to DB is received!
I still say that it would have been nice to have Gary Moeller on the ESPN Gameday set last Saturday morning for a piece…since it was Desmond’s Day and all. As i stood next to the Gameday Turf Field they had setup, it would have been really special to have Desmond’s coach on with Desmond interviewing him. Desmond has always spoke highly of Gary and his staff. The could have replayed this cook clip you have in this article and talked about The Catch and how Desmond did “watch it all the way in”….GO BLUE….Dennis
Greg - MVictors
That’s a great point DD. It would have been the right thing to do to have Mo more involved
I was kind of surprised he wasn’t involved at all. It’s not like he isn’t around, because he’s at most games up in the press box.