The Ann Arbor News blasted out a bunch of season coverage this morning. Check out John Heuser’s piece on Rodriguez including his impressions on a trip to Grant Town, West Virginia – Rich Rod’s hometown. He includes a shot of the sign that used to hang outside the town. The slightly modified version now chills on Rich Rod’s parents’ barn:

Other articles:
Big Ten Preview (Carty)
Projected Depth Chart
Elsewhere: Bill Simonson of The Huge Show interviews Threet, Sheridan, Rich Rod, Barwis, Taylor, and Shafer. All the audio is here.
One Comment
No Junior Hemingway on the 2-deep at WR.
Threet still listed as #1 qb.
Martin over Kates on the DT 2-deep.
OL… no comment other than the involuntary seizure I had when looking at it this way.