Damon’s Grill is a decent spot to hit if you travel especially in a pinch when you need to see a game. A few years ago they opened a franchise on State Street just off 94 but I don’t think I’ve stepped in there yet. Last winter I considered stopping by to check out Coach Beilein’s show which is broadcast on location at the rib joint but after seeing this article, I won’t be visiting anytime soon.
The Wall Street Journal’s Weekend Edition published this piece on a crisis affecting bargoers- the practice of shorting pints of beer. Sales of “falsies” or 14oz glasses are on the rise as the price of beer is shoots up. The article goes through the issue and how many beer lovers are reacting, going as far as trying to legislate away the practice as has been done in the UK for quite a while:
In the U.K., the Imperial Pint (equivalent to 19.2 U.S. ounces) has been a government-regulated standard for several centuries. The standard requires use of official pint glasses — with the word “Pint” and the European “CE” marking — etched onto each glass.
I mention Damon’s because they were cited as one of the 14 ounce offenders in the article. I’m sure this is a common practice at restaurant chains but check out the statement from one of the Damon’s suits:
Some restaurants make no apology for reducing their beer-glass size. The Damon’s Grill restaurant chain switched to 14 ouncers from 16-ounce glasses two years ago and didn’t lower prices. “Someone who comes in and wants a beer doesn’t want a huge glass,” says Tanny Feerer, vice president for purchasing at Damon’s International. “Fourteen ounces is enough.”
Sounds like Damon’s is a couple ounces short in the PR department as well. Oh man that was dumb.
Here’s more on the article, including a video and a podcast:
Here’s the podcast:
Whats up with the green format???
Just testing some templates man, you must have hit the site when one of them was up.
I’ve been to Damon’s on State Street two or three times and I can’t say I’ve ever had a pleasant experience there. The waitstaff we’ve had wasn’t all that helpful (or friendly) and I don’t really like the food all that much.
Give me The Arena anyday.
I’ve been to Damon’s quite a few times, mostly because I live and work nearby. I’ve never really had any complaints. I do agree that The Arena is a far superior watering hole.
Is tanny Feerer a buckeye?