• Swinging for The Cure 2013 (Photos)

    Here’s a few pics from the 5th Annual Swing to Cure Diabetes held at the UM Golf Course on Monday afternoon.   According to former Michigan QB/DB and event organizer Rich Hewlett, this was one of the biggest turnouts in the half decade of the outing that benefits the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the University of Michigan Comprehensive Diabetes Center (UMCDC).   I don’t have the final numbers but they raised a lot of money and ran another wonderful event. Special guests this year included Mike Hart, Ira Weintraub, Coach Mo, Coach Hanlon and Coach Hoke: Coach Hoke addressing the UMGC crowd, flanked by Hewlett and his son Jeffrey, a current U-M student living with Type 1 diabetes.   I spotted Coach Hoke taking a few swings out there and yes, it went about a well as you’d guess (think blacksmith) Coaches Hanlon and Moeller circa 2013 and 1969 (inset)   Before MC’ing the live auction, Ira flashed his jazz hands (& perhaps a few of the moves he broke out at the GHW Gala after party?) Go Blue! Follow MVictors on Twitter

  • Mott Takeover 2013 – Ready yourself!

    One of the highlights of the radio calendar – the WTKA Mott Takeover hits the airwaves tomorrow (Friday) starting at 7am.  I may try to pop by and capture some sights and sounds, we’ll see.   All the details are here and re-posted here.    Remember those out of town can listen live (check out WTKA.com or via iheartradio here). JOIN US FOR THE 2013 MOTT TAKEOVER ON FRIDAY MAY 17TH ON SPORTS TALK 1050 WTKA, WTKA.COM AND iHeart Radio. Once again, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital is taking over Sports Talk 1050 WTKA. HERE’S THE 2-13 LINEUP (always subject to change): 7-8am — Lloyd Carr, Jay Feely, Jarret Irons (call-in 7:15), David Baas (call-in 7:30) 8-9am — Al Borges, Remy Hamilton, Dave Brandon (call-in 8:45), Drew Stanton (call-in TBA) 9-10am — Dana Jacobson, Peter Vanderkaay, Zak Novak, Brian Griese (call-in 9:30) 10-11am — Anthony Thomas, Mike Hart, Larry Foote, Chris Floyd 11am-12pm — Jeff Backus, Ron Bellamy, John Navarre 12-1pm –Travis Conlon, Andy Mignery, Drew Henson (call-in 12:00) 1-2pm — Ron English, Roy Manning, Marlin Jackson, Chad Henne (call-in 1:15), Eric Mayes (call-in 1:15) 2-3pm — Cato June, Jerame Tuman, Aaron Shea, David Baas (call-in 2:15) 3-4:30pm at The M-Den — Steve Everitt, Steve Hutchinson, Glen Steele, Ben Mast, Jake Long (call-in 3:30) 4:30-6pm at The M-Den — Charles Woodson, James Hall,…

  • One Upping the Jug Brotherhood

    The Brotherhood of Jugsmen—those who have built replicas of the coveted Little Brown Jug— is becoming long and distinguished.  By my count we’re at 7.  And as an aside I know someone else sent me some photos last year but I lost track. If you feel worthy of membership by all means, send me your story and some photos.  I know there are a few Minnesota fans out that that are rocking replicas in their boat houses—let’s see ‘em.  Here’s the current list: Eric Mierzwiak – 2009 post, Not Available in Stores Mark Foster – 2010 post, His Own Little Brown Jug (v2) Dennis Dail – 2011 post, Jug Club +1 Brian Snider – 2011 post The Jug Brotherhood +++ Daniel and his wedding crew – 2011 post, The Eleven Jugsmen T.C. Thorton – 2012 post Joining the Brotherhood of Jugsmen Jil Gordon – Editor’s discretion. She paints the jug fergodsakes. One of the earliest members of Local 1903 is Mark Foster and over the years he’s gradually stepped up his game.   Since creating a replica in 2010, Foster built a custom case for the jug and went onto to create subsequent replica jugs.   That brings us to reason for this post: Over the past year he decided to take this passion to the next level—building a replica of the…

  • Rich Hewlett and the Swing to Cure Diabetes – May 20, 2013 (audio)

    One of my favorite off-season events is upon us – the 5th Annual Swing to Cure Diabetes hosted by former Michigan QB/DB Rich Hewlett is coming up May 20th.   Here’s Hewlett talking about the event and much more with Sam and Ira this week: [display_podcast] I’ll be out there with bells on at the U-M Golf Course, as will Ira from WTKA along with Coach Hoke (left, with Hewlett’s son Jeffrey), Mike Hart and typically a bunch of other former coaches/players.   And…Coach Hoke may actually swing the club this year which will be sight for sure. All the details are here. This is an outstanding event and a wonderful cause.  Consider joining us or donating one way or another.   Check back in here for photos, jokes and more. Date:Monday, May 20th, 2013Time: 10:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Format: 11:00 a.m. Shot-gun StartLocation:  University of Michigan Golf Course  500 Stadium Blvd, Ann Arbor, MICost:  $250/per golferTo Register: Download and complete the Registration FormRegister By:  May 15, 2013   Follow MVictors on Twitter

  • Schembechler Hall is Falling Down

    The renovation of Schembechler Hall is underway in a big way—a few shots from this morning of the demo from State Street: Here’s what it will look like when complete but hopefully the White Walkers will stay on their side of the Wall, man The Wall of Captains The second floor are (were) the administrative and coaching offices, Hoke at the far (left) end looking out over the Glick The second floor are (were) the administrative and coaching offices, Hoke at the far (left) end looking out over the Glick It wasn’t exactly encouraged before The Glick towering over the structure McGary left his unicycle out overnight Michigan Stadium on the horizon Follow MVictors on Twitter

  • Fielding Yost and the “Hurry Up” Brand (the 1920s)

    Notably up on eBay recently, a pair of football pants designed by Fielding H. Yost and sold under the “Hurry Up” Yost brand by the A.J. Reach company of Philadelphia presumably from the 1920s and/or 1930s.   This pair on the left went for around $87, a steal.  The pair on the right took a winning bid of $146 and included what appear to be the original thigh pads: As discussed on these pages before, Yost contracted with Reach to market a full set of gear under the Hurry Up brand, including helmets and shoulder pads.   Yost went after his outside business interests as seriously as he took athletics (and had a bit of an ego) so it isn’t a surprise that he put his name on this stuff. Related: eBay Watch: Yost’s Signature Helmet (1926)

  • Russell Davis Shines at the Shrine (1979)

    [Ed. Given I ran into big Russell Davis on Saturday, what a perfect time for this guest post by Dr. Sap!] Guest post by Dr. Steve “Sap” Sapardanis Back in the 1970s, the first week of January was typically not a good one for the Michigan Football team or its players.  It usually meant devastating Rose Bowl defeats.  But on January 6th, 1979, Rick Leach and Russell Davis changed all that. Leach was one of three QB’s for the East All-Stars playing in the Hula Bowl in Hawaii.  Russell Davis was playing fullback for the East squad in the East-West Shrine Game played in Palo Alto, California. Many expected Leach to be overshadowed by his more high-profile counterparts – Notre Dame’s golden boy, Joe Montana, and Penn State’s Heisman Trophy runner-up, Chuck Fusina.  Davis was just a fullback…and when had a fullback ever done anything of note in an All-Star or Bowl Game? When the day was over with, Bo Schembechler had to have been all smiles. Each player walked away with Offensive MVP honors in both games. Leach showed a national TV audience that he could throw the football with the best of them, completing 7 of 12 passes for 187 yards and 2 touchdowns.  He led the East All-Stars on a 23-point 4th quarter comeback that had to…

  • Spring Game Postgame Fashion Police

    Just a few for you postgame.  First, Taylor Lewan with the new ‘do and mustache giving him a slight Freddie Mercury feel: [Ed. 4/14]  Dr. Sap insists this is a more manly look, along the lines of former All-American guard Dean Dingman.   Ok, I’ll give in a little—> Lewan looks like the adopted son of Dean Dingman and Freddie Mercury.  Devin Gardner is a cool cat and will end up in the booth someday if he wants it.  Looks like Adidas handled the orange jersey dilemma of 2013.  Uniform timeline is updated to cover this nuance. Hoke flashing for the media his 1997 national championship ring, for the first time to the press IIRC.  I’m sure the recruits get to see that quite a bit.  When asked why he chose to wear it he replied, “I usually don’t wear it. I just kinda had it on. It went with my … shoes.”  As I told Angelique, only Liberace had shoes that matches that ring: “Hmm…trying to remember what we’re playing for..” [Ed. 4/13] Brad at MBN sent over this shot of the #BLING: [Ed. 4/13 #2]  Hmm…maybe that national championship #bling was to show to a certain WR prospect who was interested in coming to a school that could contend for a national championship?  Hmmm?? More: Photos and recap from…