According to Mike Rothstein at ESPN, it’s official – Treezy is wearing #21 next year **AND** even swapped Twitter handles. But you already knew that **AND** knew that. RIP #1 jersey. Congrats to Roy Roundtree. Follow UMTreezy21 on Twitter Follow MVictors on Twitter
Emmy Powered Drones
Congratulations to my pals at Stunt3 Multimedia and to John U. Bacon. The 2012 Michigan Emmy nominations were released this week and Fox Sports Detroit received the nod in the ‘Sports – One time Special’ category for Bacon’s Blue Ice: The Story of Michigan Hockey. (P.S. how can a hockey film lose in a category that includes the phrase ‘one time’?) In the Best Historical Documentary category, Stunt3’s Black and Blue The Story of Gerald Ford, Willis Ward and the 1934 Michigan-Georgia Tech Game” got the nom. Duh. Black and Blue will be screened again in Ann Arbor on Tuesday, May 22, at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. This is the director’s cut of the film, and contains new footage and additional materials (including incredible pics of Ward and Ford in the White House) they received since the initial launch. As an aside, Bacon’s wonderful book and Stunt3’s research for their doc couldn’t have been done or certainly done to the degree of the finished product without the U-M Bentley Historical Library. So give the Bentley an assist. The awards will be presented on June 16 at Motor City Casino, so you can watch these guys take home the hardware.
Let There Be Light
Caught the crews working on the east side of Yost along State Street: We are in the early stages of what will be the return those the original Yost Field House windows that were part of the original design and I can’t wait to see how it looks. I’m not sure how much adding east and west side windows will affect the feel on the interior (seats and boxes will occupy the sightlines) but we’ll see. Certainly windows in ends will have quite an impact. Here’s a great shot from the dedication of the Field House back in 1923, when apparently Yost commanded God to check in on the proceedings: Here’s a rendering of the completed renovation: Follow MVictors on Twitter and you would have seen that photo hours ago
Win-Win From the U-M Letterwinners Club
A unique opportunity from the U-M Letterwinners M Club benefitting their graduate scholarship fund. They are offering a limited number of raffle tickets to the public for a variety of prizes, including package for the Michigan-Alabama game on September 1 in Dallas: I know it’s listed at #5, but lunch I’m guessing lunch for two with AD Dave Brandon would fetch quite a pretty penny on the open market! Get in the raffle here…let me know if you win. Drawing is JUNE 1 at 8pm EDT. Related: M Letterwinners home page
Send the Band to Help the Team (1911)
Last month during the band-is-not-going-to-Dallas crisis, I mentioned that there was a precedent (1910, for example) for Michigan fans passing the hat to help send the marching band on road trips. I knew that wasn’t the only case, and once again a great item has appeared on eBay to illustrate that piece of history. Here’s a small card that someone saved in a scrapbook, a memento from an effort to help get the MMB to the critical game against Cornell in 1911: The effort was led by the students, spurred on by the Daily, and was successful in raising the funds for the band trip. I wrote about the 1911 season in last year’s edition of Brian Cook’s Hail to the Victors and mentioned that apparently everyone wasn’t pleased with the repeated “begging” to help the band, and one Daily reader suggested a fee-based approach: · It was typical in those days to pass the hat amongst the student body and alums to gather up money to send the band to a long road trip. A letter from “One-Opposed-to –Begging” offered a different tact: simply charge a dime admission to the Friday pep rally which would cover the expenses for the trip to Cornell. The band traveled but didn’t help spur on Michigan’s offense. Here’s the complete rundown of Cornell…
WTKA 1050AM Mott Takeover Schedule
Support this cause or someone from the 4 o’clock hour is going to get Via WTKA media relations, here’s the schedule for Friday’s annual Mott Takeover event on WTKA 1050AM, Here’s the official line-up – I like the additions of some national media members and you’ve got to like that Stevie Everitt (above) will be in the house: 7am – Lloyd Carr, Jay Feely 8am – Lloyd Carr, Brian Griese 9am –Dana Jacobson, Dhani Jones 10am – Marlin Jackson, Cato June, Tim Massaquoi 11am – Charles Woodson, Adam Schefter Noon – Mike Hart, Greg Mattison, Al Borges 1pm –Scott Dreisbach, Adrian Arrington, Gary Moeller, Jerry Hanlon, Jarrett Irons 2pm – Leon Hall, Morgan Trent, Ron Bellamy, Drew Henson 3pm –Mark Campbell, Jerame Tuman , Aaron Shea, Remy Hamilton 4pm – Steve Hutchinson, Steve Everitt, Jake Long at MDen 5pm – David Brandon, Brady Hoke at MDen Last year they raised nearly $105,000 for the Charles Woodson Clinical Research Fund. This year the Takeover will benefit the Coach Carr Mountaintop Experience Fund. So—diial in early and often. Fans can of course listen in and this year you can watch the final two hours live from the M-Den on State Street. Go Blue!
U-M Football From the Pages of The Daily…The Book
A plug for the book pulled together by the students over at The Michigan Daily, coming out this summer. I got to peruse a beta copy and even offered a couple small suggestions (umm, and maybe slightly inspired the concept?). It’s definitely worth picking up. It’s basically an era by era look at the history of Michigan football, including articles, photos and other goodies as they appeared back in the day. Readers of this site know I’m a fan of leveraging the Daily for my research and they did a great job putting it in book form. For more details follow this link or click below: Related: A Century Ago: 1910 Michigan Football through the Words of The Daily Cornhusker Hospitality in 1911 The Willis Ward Protests (1934)
Anthony Carter’s Bike?
This auction came and went on eBay, with buyers perhaps scared off by the nearly $4,000 asking price. The seller claims, backed up by a letter of authenticity, that this is a Bike helmet that once belonged to the great Anthony Carter: Is it the real deal? Paging Dr. Sap! Coincidentally this ties in two recent posts on these pages. First off, the Michigan Bike helmet was the offspring of the research performed by Elwyn Gooding and the team from U-M. And while we’re on the topic of Carter, AC is featured in one of Dr. Sap’s throwback NCAA Football covers. Also featured is a gent I described as the most interesting man in the world: Thanks to notes from his nephew and his son, we now know that this man is Jerry Wright, who worked at the Ann Arbor police department. Mr. Wright passed away in ‘99 but he lives on in Michigan lore! Update: Great comments below on the analysis, and Dr. Sap sent over this collage of AC photos: Update #2. An anonymous former player weighs in: Just as a side note the helmet may have well been Anthony’s but the claim that he wore it for three years is probably not accurate. We were issued new game helmets every year and quite often our previous year’s…