• The Poison Water Myth

    The next nugget of Jug Lore gets into why U-M bought the jug in the first place. Did Michigan and Fielding H. Yost actually fear that Minnesota might taint or poison the Wolverine water supply? Is that really why they bought the jug – to control the source of Willie Heston’s water? Let’s examine this: If you dig this videos, like/subscribe/share/comment. As always, get all of your Little Brown Jug Lore here…

  • Jug Brotherhood +1

    Congrats to the latest member of the Jug Brotherhood – Anselm Scipione! The brotherhood is rarefied air, reserved to only those who have taken the challenge to obtain and paint (with excruciating detail) a replica Little Brown Jug for their man shrine. Here’s a look: Nicely done Anselm!

  • Talking a lot about 1940

    I recently joined the great Seth Fisher along with Dr. Sap on mgoblog’s The Teams podcast, this time talking (a lot!) about 1940. And especially Heisman winner Tom Harmon. And get ready for a good 45 minutes of me jabbering about the 1930s! (naturally). I encourage you to read up and listen on mgoblog here.

  • Tom Harmon vs. The Drunk (Birthday Special Edition)

    This Saturday (9/28/2019) would have marked Tom Harmon’s 100th birthday. Here’s my salute to Michigan’s great 1940 Heisman Trophy recipient, Old 98. What better way to mark this occasion then to relive this incident during the 1940 Cal game? After deking out several Bear defenders, Harmon faces one more “Cal” man near the endzone – a pickled fan named Harold Brennan who had enough of Terrible Tommy and decided to take matters into his own hands.

  • Kenn Domerese – Michigan Memorabilia Super Collector

    Recently I had a chance to visit the incredible personal U-M memorabilia collection at the home of Kenn Domerese. In Part I we start with a brief interview followed-up by a look at a few items from his collection. This episode includies Michigan helmets from the 1910s and 1930s, a vintage cane that once belonged to Irving Pond (the man who scored the first touchdown in U-M history), original sheet music from The Victors, a 1930s "Schedule Bot", a 1901 cloth item dedicated to Fielding H. Yost's first team, and much more:

  • The Life and Career of Fielding H. Yost

    A video of my complete guest lecture at U-M course EDUC 212: The History of Intercollegiate Athletics. The topic is the career of Fielding H. Yost. In Part I we cover his early life and coaching career before Michigan, and just into his first season in Ann Arbor. Part II gets into his coaching and AD career, and legacy.

  • Brian McDonald of Rivalry Trophy | MVictors History Show

    Recorded at Fraser's Pub in Ann Arbor, an interview with Brian McDonald, a co-founder and co-owner of Rivalry Trophy - the maker of Big Ten replica trophies. In Part I we discussed the origins of the company, his research on the Paul Bunyan Trophy, how they solved the licensing question. In Part II we get into more of their trophies, and discuss the nature of B1G fandom in general: