An interesting nugget of Michigan football lore. It starts with a story Willie Heston told radio show host Bill Flemming on WUOM's 'Hello Alumni' show in 1951. Heston explains the influence of a California teacher and U-M alumna named "Miss Daniels" on his decision to attend and play football in Ann Arbor for Yost. Check it out:
The Wolverbear Mystery? [Solved!]
For this ep I took a quick look at interesting Michigan Football uniform changes over the years. In particular, explored is the wolverine or 'wolverbear' patch U-M wore on its uniform for most of the 1962 season. It seems to have started with the game against the Army Cadets played on October 6, 1962 in Ann Arbor.
Inside the Snow Bowl (1950) | MVictors History Show
Two days before the November 25, 1950 game in Columbus a brutal snowstorm buried the midwest, shutting down much of this part of the country. Despite this U-M and OSU decided to play this game - basically a chess match of short plays followed by risky punts. A punt block late in the 2nd quarter was the difference in the 9-3 Wolverine victory over the Buckeyes. Here's more about the game including the major fallout in Columbus & how it changed this rivarly forever.
Where is Willie?! Kryk on Heston, Carter, Woodson
Super pissed. ESPN's CFB150 list snubbed a bunch of all-time greats. But Willie Heston? John Kryk explains how bad of a snub this really was.
Germany Schulz Snubbed
I called Seth Fisher (MGoBlog, Mgo-radio, Hail to the Victors, Mgo-podcast, Mgo-etc.) to chat about a snub that really got his goat: The complete omission of Adolph "Germany" Schulz, U-M great center and lineback from 1904-1908.
Russell Athletic Logo on the Jersey?
A question from Michigan Man and MVictors show viewer Craig, who asks if Michigan football ever wore the "R" Russell Athletic logo on its jersey shoulder sleeve. We consult the Uniform Timeline, and then consult the experts:
Virtual Tour: Schembechler Hall’s Towsley Museum
I thought this quick look at the Towsley Museum in Schembechler Hall might be interesting for those who love history, but don't have the chance to make it inside. It's open weekdays from 9am-4pm and I know that eliminates the opportunity for many out of town.
Top 25 Michigan Football Players of All-Time
One method is to compare players from the same era—and I get that—but that’s not what I went for here. With some input from a few Wolverine historians here’s a list of the top twenty-five Michigan football players of all-time.