A question from Michigan Man and MVictors show viewer Craig, who asks if Michigan football ever wore the "R" Russell Athletic logo on its jersey shoulder sleeve. We consult the Uniform Timeline, and then consult the experts:
Virtual Tour: Schembechler Hall’s Towsley Museum
I thought this quick look at the Towsley Museum in Schembechler Hall might be interesting for those who love history, but don't have the chance to make it inside. It's open weekdays from 9am-4pm and I know that eliminates the opportunity for many out of town.
Top 25 Michigan Football Players of All-Time
One method is to compare players from the same era—and I get that—but that’s not what I went for here. With some input from a few Wolverine historians here’s a list of the top twenty-five Michigan football players of all-time.
Super Collector Jon Stevens | The MVictors History Show
A special edition of the MVictors History Show, recorded in the mancave of author, super collector and historian Jon Stevens. Items include Yost Field House doors, a 1905 Ohio State-Michigan program, the vintage U-M scrapbook owned by Michigan superstar Neil Snow, and much more. Also, check out the piece of history from 1898 that made my jaw drop!
Neil Snow Generates a Fever and a Thirst (1902)
The best beer-Michigan football story? That's easy. Let’s rewind to 1902 to the great tale of them all--and a huge thanks to U-M memorabilia collector Mark Bomia. Apparently the program to the June 13, 1902 Michigan baseball game against Cornell held in Ann Arbor included an ad that struck a nerve with the captain of Fielding H. Yost’s perfect 1901 squad, Neil Snow.
Preview! The Michigan Union Renovation
A sneak peek! A look a couple days before the grand re-opening of the Michigan Union, a brief look inside of the new campus building.
The Deal with the 1837 Seal | MVictors History Show
On campus, on eBay and at estate sales you can still find official University of Michigan seals dated 1837. But we know that U-M was founded in 1817, so what gives?
The Union and Michigan Athletics
Open those doors! The 20 month renovation is complete so let's discuss the origins of the Michigan Union. I also highlight several ties to U-M athletics history including Tommy Roberts and Irving Pond.