Spotted this on eBay and had to pass it along: it’s what appears to be an official’s ribbon to the epic Michigan-Chicago game of 1898, the game that inspired U-M student Louis Elbel to compose The Victors (see above). Bidding is justifiably up over $400 right now – get some. While we’re on the topic of the famous 12-11 victory, a resurrected postscript: Michigan was undoubtedly the Champions of the West in 1898, but looking back do our beloved Wolverines have a claim to the national championship that season? It seems silly discussing this so many decades years later but there is a recent precedent for such action. In 2004 Southern Cal looked back at its history and claimed the 1939 national championship. And in August of 2012, our Little Brown Jug-toting buddies Minnesota announced that it claimed a share of the 1904 national championship. While Harvard and Princeton each take credit for the 1898 crown based on different measurements – Does Michigan, who went undefeated and outscored opponents 205 to 26, have an argument to join them?
That’s Meeechegan with three Es
An update to your U-M style guides: Those of us who love Bob Ufer have often tried to type out how Ufe, imitating Yost, liked to say Michigan. Until today I settled on “Meechigan”. I believe John U. Bacon goes with “Meeshegan”. I’ve seen many other variations here and there.
Tom Leyden on Bo’s Passing (WTKA audio)
Former U-M media relations legend Bruce Madej guest hosted in studio with Ira on WTKA this morning. They were joined mid-morning by WXYZ sports director Tom Leyden who shared a few stories, notably this recap, perhaps never shared before, around his first hand experience of the events when Bo Schembechler passed away back in 2006: [display_podcast] Whoa! And when you deliver a U-M football story that Madej hasn’t heard, you know you’ve got something. H/T to GN for passing this along. Follow MVictors on Twitter
1867-1939 | Michigan Football Uniform Timeline
The Michigan Football uniform changes from the period between 1879-1939. For all uniform changes prior to 1970, the rules change - If I have a compelling photo of an actual jersey (or portion of a jersey) over this period, I will include it in the timeline even if it didn’t mark a particular change in design or new feature.
Michigan Helmet Stickers with Jon Falk
Bo era savant Steve “Dr. Sap” Sapardanis recently caught up with Jon Falk to get down and dirty on the decals. And if you are wondering when this site is going to stop talking about helmet decals, the answer is NEVER.
Bo Juggles the Jug (1987)
More great stuff from the Dr. Sap Archives. Check out Bo in the locker room following Michigan’s 30-20 win over the Gophers in 1987: Jug tossing is NOT recommended but consider Bo pardoned from this Jugologist. Follow MVictors on Twitter
Watching Whiskey Go (1969)
I’ve heard a lot about the dogs Whiskey and Brandy providing Michigan Stadium some ball-chasing entertainment over the years, but I’m not sure I’d seen a video clip. Via the Dr. Sap Archives from halftime of the epic 1969 Ohio State game
Harbaugh joins Mike & Mike (ESPN audio)
JH joined M&M. Harbaugh didn’t remind Golic that he was in the Notre Dame ass-kicking business, although he did keep them waiting for a few minutes to start the interview: Audio: [display_podcast] Follow MVictors on Twitter