• The Righteous Red Ribbon (Michigan vs. Chicago 1898)

    Spotted this on eBay and had to pass it along: it’s what appears to be an official’s ribbon to the epic Michigan-Chicago game of 1898, the game that inspired U-M student Louis Elbel to compose The Victors (see above). Bidding is justifiably up over $400 right now – get some. While we’re on the topic of the famous 12-11 victory, a resurrected postscript:  Michigan was undoubtedly the Champions of the West in 1898, but looking back do our beloved Wolverines have a claim to the national championship that season?  It seems silly discussing this so many decades years later but there is a recent precedent for such action.   In 2004 Southern Cal looked back at its history and claimed the 1939 national championship.   And in August of 2012, our Little Brown Jug-toting buddies Minnesota announced that it claimed a share of the 1904 national championship.   While Harvard and Princeton each take credit for the 1898 crown based on different measurements – Does Michigan, who went undefeated and outscored opponents 205 to 26, have an argument to join them? 

  • That’s Meeechegan with three Es

    An update to your U-M style guides:  Those of us who love Bob Ufer have often tried to type out how Ufe, imitating Yost, liked to say Michigan.  Until today I settled on “Meechigan”.  I believe John U. Bacon goes with “Meeshegan”.  I’ve seen many other variations here and there.

  • Tom Leyden on Bo’s Passing (WTKA audio)

    Former U-M media relations legend Bruce Madej guest hosted in studio with Ira on WTKA this morning.  They were joined mid-morning by WXYZ sports director Tom Leyden who shared a few stories, notably this recap, perhaps never shared before, around his first hand experience of the events when Bo Schembechler passed away back in 2006: [display_podcast]   Whoa!  And when you deliver a U-M football story that Madej hasn’t heard, you know you’ve got something. H/T to GN for passing this along.   Follow MVictors on Twitter

  • 1867-1939 | Michigan Football Uniform Timeline

    The Michigan Football uniform changes from the period between 1879-1939.  For all uniform changes prior to 1970, the rules change - If I have a compelling photo of an actual jersey (or portion of a jersey) over this period, I will include it in the timeline even if it didn’t mark a particular change in design or new feature.

  • Bo Juggles the Jug (1987)

    More great stuff from the Dr. Sap Archives.  Check out Bo in the locker room following Michigan’s 30-20 win over the Gophers in 1987: Jug tossing is NOT recommended but consider Bo pardoned from this Jugologist.   Follow MVictors on Twitter

  • Watching Whiskey Go (1969)

    I’ve heard a lot about the dogs Whiskey and Brandy providing Michigan Stadium some ball-chasing entertainment over the years, but I’m not sure I’d seen a video clip.  Via the Dr. Sap Archives from halftime of the epic 1969 Ohio State game