Right now somewhere inside the bowels of Schembechler Hall rests the Little Brown Jug. Upon it are the score of the 93 games played in the series aligned in four columns (2 each between the Ms): Making up those 93 scores are 68 victories for Michigan, 22 for the Gophers, with three ties (1903, 1933, and 1950). You might know that we have a decision to make after next Saturday’s game because we are out of space in the current score configuration.. …because last season Jil Gordon (above, ably assisted by the great Jon Falk) dropped in the 35-13 result in the final available slot in the column started in 1987. So what to do? I looked at this question all the way back in 2009 as we knew this day was coming. I’ve heard it all: Retire this jug, put a new jug in service Stop writing scores on the jug Extend the jug Stanley Cup-style (inset left) Find more empty space on the jug (and work in more scores) Repaint the existing score columns with tiny scores to add more space Via MGoShoe: Slightly reduce the size of the 2 Ms to allow 2 new columns to be added (1 on each side). Would require a complete repaint. Via @SeanRatGoBlue : Just make a new trophy at a…
Ufer Returns Saturday – Toe Meets Leather at Noon
God bless your maize and blue fedora-covered ears, old Ufe returns Saturday. Continuing an awesome tradition, starting at noon Saturday WTKA 1050AM will air another game from the Bob Ufer radio archives, this time the 1976 battle between the #1 ranked Michigan men and Stanford from Ann Arbor on September 18, 1976. Here’s the game boxscore from the U-M Bentley Historical Library if you need it: So after weeks of ignoring those important in your life, tune in while you are making good with your spouse, friends, family or putting rake to leaf in the yard. Go Blue! More on Bob Ufer here. Follow MVictors on Twitter there.
Giving It Up
For good reason there’s been a lot of chatter about turnovers heading into the bye week. Right now the NCAA has Michigan 112th overall (of 123) in turnover margin. Reader Bennie pulled together some recent historical data to mull over: Net, net? Hold on to that GREASY pigskin, M Men. Follow MVictors on Twitter
Straight From Bo’s Desk
On eBay right now some gent is offering up two fresh pieces of General Bo’s letterhead dating back to his days as head football coach. Toss on one of the many Schembechler autographs also available on eBay and you’ve got potential to make things happen. If this doesn’t stop your annoying U-M Facebook buddy from dialing down the nonstop posts, nothing will: In the event your old lady gives you grief about your tailgating rituals, toss out this bona fide man pass from General Bo himself: Or the old Jimmy Hoffa “catch all”. Good for getting through security on campus and for weasing out of traffic tickets around the area: You can own the righteous letterhead for $19.99 on eBay now. Follow MVictors on Twitter
Delivering WOW Experiences…since 1954
Check out this item on eBay right now. It’s a promotional packet for season ducats nearly 6 decades ago, implying ticketholders would get a piece of the coveted WOW experience (see above). The 1954 season (6-3 overall, 5-2 conference, #15 ranked) didn’t quite deliver the full punch of a WOW but sitting in the Big House watching #87 Ron Kramer line up against Army, #4 Iowa, #8 Minnesota, and Michigan State must have been pretty cool.
Nerf Manball | Michigan 24, UConn 21
“We’ve got to prove that we can move people off the line of scrimmage.” That was Hoke in the pregame field interview on ABC. Then on consecutive third and short calls early in the game U-M didn’t even consider handing it to a back and plowing over 77—Gardner kept the ball and wiggled around the end. Same on the first drive of the second half that yielded the butt fumble. Then once more on 4th and short early in the 4th when Gardner was cut down and fumbled again. In each case they didn’t even try to do the Michigan #Manball thing, namely, the old everyone-knows-it-is-coming-but-you-can’t-do-a-damn-thing-about-it running back smash. If you were unsure before Saturday night, understand right now that the coaches know they have a crisis up front. At around 9:15pm EDT on Saturday night somewhere in the bowels of Schembechler Hall a bead of sweat rolled down the side of the Little Brown Jug. Be afraid, my beloved stoneware crock. The misc: Faux Headset > At least two callers to the WTKA Sunday morning shows complained about Hoke not wearing a headset. One guy, I swear, suggested Brady should don the headset “even if there’s nothing coming through.” God that is beautiful. They could make one with hollowed-out earpads filled with Gatorade and the mouthpiece could be the…
Dr. Sap’s Decals | The Husky Masquerade Party
OFFENSIVE CHAMPION FITZGERALD TOUSSAINT – Fitz gutted out a huge effort when it was needed. Sure he scored two TD’s but I was more impressed with the way he battled through the pain and protected the football all game long. DEFENSIVE CHAMPION DESMOND MORGAN – His one-handed INT swung momentum hugely for the Maize and Blue. Maybe he should wear Legends #8 jersey next game for going all Jason Avant-like with his one-handed snag? SPECIAL TEAMS CHAMPION JEHU CHESSON II – Not one, but two smackdowns on the UConn punt returners. Gotta love those hits! HUSTLER / SPARKPLUG FRANK CLARK – He made a ton a big plays from the beginning to the end of the game. A solid and consistent effort from #57 all night. UNIFORM CHAMP WHITE M TOWEL – Michigan has worn these before, but the UConn game was the first time I could remember so many players sporting the same towel. ROBERT FROST UFER MAIZE & BLUEFEDORA FAN FOREHEAD HELMET TATTOO-GUY – I’ve seen a ton of UM tats, but never have I seen one front and center on someone’s melon: NICE EDITOR’S PICK JEREMY GALLON – Whenever #21 had the ball in his hands you entered a safe place..a quiet space where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the sky is not cloudy all…
TWIMFbH: Smothering The Gamecocks (1985)
Entering the 1985 season expectations were mixed as U-M coming off the frustrating 6-6 season in 1984. Naturally some wondered if Bo’s best days were behind him—but those thoughts were dashed early in ‘85 after Jimmy Harbaugh, James Walter Morris and a badass defense took down Notre Dame 20-12 in Ann Arbor in the season. That led to the game featured on This Week in Michigan Football History – a high profile road match-up against #11 South Carolina in Columbia: [display_podcast] As noted, the 1985 defense gave up a mere 98 points the entire season! WolverineHistorian has the 1985 South Carolina game on YouTube here. Remember: You can catch all of the This Week in Michigan Football History clips here….sponsored in 2013 by Ziebart of Yspilanti. Listen to it live tomorrow on the KeyBank Countdown to kick-off on WTKA 1050AM or catch it live inside the Bud Light Victors Lounge. Follow MVictors on Twitter