It’s a beautiful confluence, isn’t it? The Little Brown Jug tradition had its birth 110 years ago, it’s the 100th meeting between Minnesota and Michigan, and this will be the final season for legendary equipment manager Jon Falk, the great keeper of the jug for 40 years. So what? So how about a party celebrating all these things? Here’s how you can get involved, thank Jon Falk, get a t-shirt, order a special commemorative jug from Red Wing Stoneware or even join us: On top of all of this Jil Gordon of TrueBlue365 fame is creating the ultimate replica jug—a artist’s historical accurate copy of the real jug. It’s up for sale—here’s how it looks so far: Get involved here! Follow MVictors on Twitter
The Traditions Project
I’ve never seen all the Michigan football traditions listed out in one place. Here’s an initial crack at a list sorted into several classes based on importance. Like creating a music playlist at a party, you can’t please everyone. We’ll see where this goes. Down the road the list will link out to more detail about each tradition. Email me, tweet or post feedback.
Dr. Sap’s Decals – Akron
Sorry Spidey, I couldn’t even muster a Robert Frost Ufer fan award based on this. Related: Dr. Sap’s Decals – Central Michigan Dr. Sap’s Decals – Winners Get Chicken Dinners (Notre Dame) Real Stuff from Akrontraz: Glazed Over (Michigan 28, Akron 24) Sights and Sounds | Escape from Akrontraz UnZipped (Akron Game Photos) Follow MVictors on Twitter
Happy Birthday Anthony Carter
On this day, a big happy birthday to the great #1 Anthony Carter. WolverineHistorian tribute if you need it: Back in July mgo-Ace Anbender was clearly inspired by AC’s brilliance and took it one frame at a time with AC. It’s worth a read if you missed that. Want a piece of Carter memorabilia? You can find tons on eBay highlighted by this beauty – Carter’s ‘Victors Club’ trophy from 1982. No, that’s not an award for the current day Victors Club tied to athletics fundraising…otherwise they’d have to give something the size of the Victors Classic rack to Steve Ross. Back in the Bo era they used the Victors Club to recognize standout players. In old practice videos you can see players wearing special ‘Victors Club’ mesh jerseys. Apparently, for whatever reason, they used to accompany such moments with a sizable trophy and we know that Moeller continued this practice for a while–recall Jon Vaughn’s Offensive Hustler prize from 1990 that showed up on eBay in 2010. Happy Birthday AC! Follow MVictors on Twitter 2412
Glazed Over (Michigan 28, Akron 24)
They should have lost. So here on Sunday instead of a deep pit in your stomach as you brace to face your colleagues Monday…it’s merely a headache and a sense of bewilderment. This will take a while to shake off. One caller to WTKA Sunday morning said Michigan got beat in every position group and on the sidelines Saturday and that’s pretty much correct. Gardner played most of the game in a lower gear as if he didn’t need to play full out to roll up and down the field. He clearly can’t operate in a “kinda-on” mode. I don’t know if that was direction from the coaches or whether that was just in his head. He was out of sync with the receivers, threw balls late and didn’t look to take off running when he needed to. That is until Michigan was down. Moving forward Gardner needs to see Ohio State across the ball and go full on until the coaches tell him to stop. And it bugs me that three games in, that the backs can’t seem to make the first defender miss or at least pay for it. More notes from the game: Mood > Worst Win Ever: Legends > Courtney Avery and his Legends #11 jersey hit the field Saturday so the only missing Legends jersey…
Sights & Sounds | Escape from Akrontraz
Whew. Yeesh. Yikes. Wha happen’d? If it feels weird do it: Do you have that in mauve? Once you’ve calmed down consider these sights and sounds: > Cue ball Corner Pocket > I give the students mucho slack but come on young men and ladies, I think we can do better. Here’s a look as the team pours out of the tunnel and under the coveted GO BLUE banner, a few minutes before kickoff: First snap (14:55 in first): End of the first quarter FWIW: > Sky W.O.W – or was that a M.O.M. experience? A few shots of the skywriting above the stadium for the archives: Props to the pilot for completing the ‘905’ just as they flashed the 905 all-time wins graphic on the scoreboard. And yes, I’m aware this or another guy got loose with a ‘Go Blue’ in East Lansing. How come the guy in EL was dropping some tight smoke? Did the wind die down later in the afternoon? Did that guy fly in Nam? > Does Whatever a maize clad Spider-Man does > He wore this so his moms wouldn’t see him on TV on Yom Kippur: Call him Maestro about town > Coach Beilein directing the Michigan Marching band during the half: Deliver $200M, you get a coin toss and a giant banner. Deliver…
UnZipped (Akron Game Photos)
A huge thanks to Karsen Welch King from Karsen Photography for classing up the sidelines on Saturday and shooting the majority of these shots. Great work..and more from Karsen here. If I’m Nike #7 above, I make this into a Fathead stat More on the game later including Sights and Sounds.. Follow MVictors on Twitter
A Hair from Horror
Had to: More later… Follow MVictors on Twitter