Halloween night at Yost was a big one for Red Berenson’s boys as they took down a gutty Buckeye team 4-3. I know there’s many of you around town that have been to a couple games, maybe none, yet you enjoy the Red Wings and perhaps even watch the Wolverines on occasion. You’ve got to get down to Yost–it’s such a great product. Louie Caporusso and Aaron Palushaj are fantastic. There are tickets available to some of the home games this year, get down there.
The students are off the hook dominating the east of the arena, the band keeps the place hyped up, the hockey is phenomenal, and if you get down there early enough you can win the 50-50 raffle (Ticket number 1 was the big winner last night).

I’ve ripped on Michigan fans at the Big House lately, time to rip on an opponent. So there’s a Buckeye fan behind me in his late 50s or so, moustache of course. He’s yelling the whole game at a couple of Michigan players, e.g., after a Michigan player shoves a guy, “WHY DON’T YOU TAKE UP BOXING???” and bitching about referee calls the whole game. He’s loud but there’s some kind strange pitch in his voice that gets in your head. I’m actually ok with the guy at this point–he’s into it, he’s mildly obnoxious and annoying but whatever, maybe he’s a parent or relative or something.
Then with about five minutes to go I hear him tell his buddy, “I’ve never been to a college hockey game before.” My nerves.
If you’re going to carry on, scream at refs about calls, editorialize the student section chants, etc., have a reason other than you just want to be a dick. You’ve got to have a stake in this on some level to earn the right to be an ass.