No audio, but Calvin Magee covered the first part of the Rodriguez radio show tonight. A few tidbits:
* The team will go down a day early a practice on the Notre Dame field on Friday. Probably more of a walk-through, but I didn’t know you could do that sort of thing.
* Magee called Steven Threet “the guy”, which I think is saying something. He didn’t rule out playing Sheridan.
* Talked a little about their first trip to South Bend, Rodriguez and the Mountaineers visited in 2001, a 34-24 loss.
It's Michigan-Notre Dame you fools
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Bando Calrissian
Last season, the Michigan Marching Band was rehearsing in the stadium the day before the AppState game, and had to get out in the afternoon because ASU was coming in with their team for a practice of some sort. Guess it worked out for them…