Check out this cool old business card from the desk of none other than General Bo Schembechler, complete with 313 area code and The Big House as a backdrop:

Except for the maize stripe up top, that’s a MAN’s business card, people. I can see Bo jamming that in some recruit’s chest, telling him to only call when he’s ready to come to Michigan. According to the seller, Bo delivered the card to him in 1983 when he was being recruited by the Wolverines.
I reached out to the seller who confirmed that Bo’s charms worked, and he played for Michigan in 84-85. “I actually blew my knee out in the Monday practice after the Washington game in ‘84”, he told me via email. “Bo came to see me in the hospital on the day my girlfriend was also visiting.” After checking out the scene, Bo told the seller, “I should have known you’d have a f***ing broad in here!”
Bo was a beauty.
Why is he selling the card? “Knowing that Bo had left us I thought someone who never got to know him would like to have some of these items, so I listed them on eBay to see if there was anyone interested.” He’s also selling his offensive playbook from the 1983 season.
The auction of Bo’s business card ends March 21 with a current bid price of $5.00.
There’s always a steady stream of Bo-related memorabilia out there as you’d expect. Here’s Schembechler flashing a great smile in this photo from 1978. You might notice Bo’s “Bogie Busters” shirt which refers to a celebrity golf tournament held in Dayton, OH:

Here’s Bo stumping for PaineWebber in a magazine ad back in the late 1980s:

Finally, you know they’ve got a few items from Bo’s early days and it doesn’t get any better than this. The opening line of the auction description reads “What a perfect item.” Indeed.
It’s a 16×20 photo from 1969 just as the clock runs down in the great win over Woody and Ohio State. The pic alone is a classic but it’s also signed by Billy Taylor, Paul Seymour, Don Moorhead, Paul Staroba, and Jim Betts. Good lord! I think I want this: