Check out this shot of President Ford at a Portland, Oregon charity event:
It was a fundraiser held at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, and Ford donated the autographed ball and even hiked it to the winner, Mr. Ambrose Cronin, who forked over $2,700 for the righteous pigskin.
The former Michigan center is no stranger to snapping the ball of course, as he performed the duty for Harry Kipke’s crew in the early 1930s and was MVP of the 1934 team. This isn’t even the only shot of Ford in action right now on eBay, but naturally, the majority feature the future Prez during his playing days. This one is signed and the seller wants you to pay royally for that:

Here’s another, a reprint and not signed:

These aren’t even the only shots out there of the Ford on all fours. Here’s a wire photo of the president taking one of his famous spills, lampooned again & again by Chevy Chase on SNL:
Ford’s finer moments came off-the-field of course, and don’t forget the forthcoming documentary about Ford’s role in the Willis Ward controversy of 1934. Refresher course here on the protests on campus and the aftermath here.