Mother Nature Crushes Michigan Athletic campus (1959)

With the news that some disgraceful vandals took a few shots at Michigan stadium this week, it’s a good chance to look back at when a more formidable foe provided some unwanted alterations on the athletic campus. 

On Monday, May 11, 1959, the Midwest was hit with a raging windstorm and Ann Arbor was drilled.  One person in the Burns Park area was killed by a downed power line and at least two houses were set ablaze.  The city was declared a disaster area and the Red Cross was deployed to lend a hand.

Two of the most prominent structures on campus were also drilled.  This recent auction of a wire photo shows an overhead shot of the giant gap ripped in the Yost Field House roof:

Yost roof blown off


According to several news sources, the wind also blew out several windows in the Michigan Stadium press box.  One story also noted that the wind cut “a mile-long path” on the athletic campus.

No one bothered to bid on the wire photo before the auction closed.