Arrrr, she can sail around your man cave:
Nicely done. And it comes tricked out with nautical flags in what appears to be a personal hall of fame that the builder pulled together:
Not to nitpick, but where’s Leach? (The 7 is for Henne). Benny Friedman? Harry Newman? Willie Heston should be honored in some manner. Rob Lytle? Germany Schulz? Someone needs to build an M pirate ship, the S.S. Yost, with the names of the forgotten Wolverine greats. <deep breath>
Many would consider this a no-no, but he did leave a spot for a current player:
You gotta love it.
One Comment
darren brandt
thats the ship i built was great to see it on here! been building these for years for every sports team, each one is custom built and you can add any players you want on them, also has 3 lights bulbs that illuminate the entire ship with fiber optic stadium lights and the cannons light up red look awesome at night when lit up, thanks for posting it…GO BLUE btw i still build these and look even better now!