I’m mostly interested in Michigan-related memorabilia but of late there have been a few Buckeye beauties. Check this out.
Up for bid on eBay is a collection of old letters from the great Woody Hayes. Here’s my favorite: It’s a missive crafted by Dr. Strangehayes himself with a recipe for success in this tough world:

I LOVE THIS! With all respect for the late Buckeye legend and Bo’s mentor, old Woody was a true beauty. For students at Ohio State Woody’s advice might be spot on: don’t rest on the laurels of a degree from Columbus.
If you love this as much as I do, here’s a pdf copy that’ll print nicely.
Jody Rope
Wayne Woodrow Hayes, an Emerson scholar who lectured at Harvard and a man who valued physical fitness for himself–meaning healthful excercise–was right as usual and wonderfully kind in sending a letter to this fan. I’m sorry you must hunt so hard for some small percieved victory in Ann Arbor these days.
JR – It’s just love. There’s much respect for Bo’s mentor in Ann Arbor.