Awesome piece in cleveland.com on my man Steve Everitt including this pic of Bo’s visit to Key West to see the big man in 2003. (HT: @moesportshops). Slice:
Everitt heard Schembechler was coming down Key West way for the World Sailfish Championship Tournament.
“I asked if he wanted to come by the house figuring he’d say no,” Everitt said, laughing. “He said yes.”
Amy Everitt, Michigan Class of ’93, got the camera out and started snapping pictures. Steve felt a little sheepish so he kept telling her that was enough. But now, nine years after the legendary coach’s death, Everitt says, “I wish she would’ve taken 1,000 pictures.”
She stopped well short of that, but not before getting one of Schembechler in what Everitt describes as “my Michigan bathroom.” Everitt remembers one pose in particular: Schembechler sitting on a closed toilet, playing Everitt’s “KISS” pinball machine, a metal-legged survivor of Hurricane Wilma.
Therein you’ll find several more reasons why EVERITT RULES.
Go Blue!
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