Another year and another Fan Day, your brief window to meet the coaches and players that make up this year’s squad. Here’s what we learned:
90 Minutes
While I appreciate the players and coaches making time to do stuff like this, am I the only one who feels like an hour and a half is not quite enough? It didn’t help that a) the MC announced how much time was left in the event while reminding folks of how important the team’s time was, and; b) the clock was counting down the time left for people to clear out.
Found a Kicker?
According to the Free Press and noted by mgoblog, looks like we have Rivas’s replacement. His name is Jason Gringell and count me as one person who: a) knows that it takes some luck and a few close calls to win championships, especially national championships, b) realizes that difference could fall on the foot of the kicker, and; c) is anxious to see how this guy looks.
Elsewhere, looks like Carson Butler has cleared a path to contribute.
Mallett Mania
Fans couldn’t get enough of true freshman Ryan Mallett. Those planning the event anticipated the rage over the cocky Texan.

He had a gated-off section of his own along with handlers. The line to get a piece of the future M QB stretched across the field all morning (see pic above).
Penn State Punishment
For the second straight year, they selected to replay the Penn State game to play on the big screen inside the stadium. I would have preferred the Notre Dame game of course but oh well. Consider it a goal of any team to not be replayed during Fan Day 2008. Speaking of punishing the ol’ Joe Paterno, after Indiana, Michigan’s longest current winning streak against a Big Ten opponent is PSU (10 years).
Section 22, Row 85, Seats 7&8
For whatever reason I don’t recall seeing these seats before. Right next to the special Regents room above Section 22 are two seats built into the wall. It’s not the best perspective on the game but still kind of cool.
They do have the benefit of a TV mounted on the ceiling in case they miss any of the action. I’ll try to figure out the story behind these seats during the season.
Here are a few more from the event:
Coach Carr Signs for a Fan

The Penn State game was not played in it entirety, and part of the Notre Dame game was played as well (unless it was PSU inside, ND outside)
[Webmaster: Thanks Tim, just saw the PSU game inside. Either way, both great games.]
Very poorly organized. We entered when they opened the gates and ran to the running backs line. It took 1 hour and 40 minutes to get to them and there were hundreds of people behind us who probably didn’t get one autograph at all. Although I didn;t expect to get to all the players it would have been nice to get thru two lines. There was no management of the lines at all, people were cutting in as “special guests” of the athletic department, there was a tremendous amount of posing for pictures which delayed things even more, and the professional autograph signers were getting three and four helmets signed all at once. You have to figure Hart, Henne, Mallett, Long and Coach were the ones most people were there to get. Put them all at one station and keep the lines moving. Those that decide to take a chance on them take a risk of not getting to them. If you decide not to get the main ones, then at least you can get a larger number of the others. Assign several functional people to make sure the one autograph limit is kept, no photos are taken and line breaking is not allowed. It is very nice of the football team to do this event but let’s make it worthwhile for the fans. An hour and a half is not enough and give us a real chance to see more players!
Tom Durkee
Did anyone snap some photos of the stadium rennovation progress? I’d like to see what it looks like so far.
[They really haven’t gotten into it quite yet.]
Good Luck from a WVU fan….but to hell with Coach Rod