Some excerpts from this week’s chat on with college football analyst Ivan Maisel:
On USC vs. Michigan and the #2 BCS slot:
Anthony (Troy, OH): Who would win in a match-up between Michigan and USC? In your opinion, isn’t it unfair to base rankings on what your ideal National Championship scenario is? I prefer to see what people truly think teams should be ranked.
Ivan Maisel: That’s the way the system is supposed to work. But I understand voters who feel as if Michigan had their shot and that USC or Florida deserves one. I might pick Michigan to beat USC — haven’t really looked at it — but I’m leaning against a rematch.
On whether the Rose Bowl will pass up Michigan:
Dante (Madison, WI): Ivan, What about ND-LSU in the Rose Bowl and Michigan-Florida in the Sugar?
Ivan Maisel: I just don’t think the Rose will turn down a No. 3 team from one of its own conferences.
On Notre Dame “earning” a BCS bid and special status:
will (hanover nh): It disturbs me to see the Irish as an at large BCS possibility. They have lost to the only two elite teams they played by a combined 46 points. Your thoughts?
Ivan Maisel: Notre Dame has earned a special status over the last 85 years. Any argument about that is a waste of time. Trust me.
Mike (New York): IVan — Notre Dame has not earned a special status any more than Michigan, USC, Texas or Alabama. Football games are played in the present, not in the past. By saying so, you’re just reifying a myth, not providing analysis.
Ivan Maisel: Mike, you’re shooting the messenger.