LAS VEGAS, NV Who’s the chatter box out in Pasadena? As discussed here on MVictors, earlier this week a source from the Rose Bowl leaked that LSU was going to be selected for the game. Not mentioned in the release of this leak was all this assumed that USC beat UCLA of course, or that at least Florida wouldn’t pass Michigan. As discussed here, both of these events occurring was about 12% proposition. Well, it happened. I am certain that LSU fans made Rose Bowl plans/tickets on the news and this was validated by some angry LSU fans we ran into on the Bellagio casino floor.
The other leak? In the afternoon before the official Fox BCS pairings show, it was widely reported on other networks that the LA Times had sources verifying Florida had moved to #2 in the BCS rankings. So who in the Los Angeles area may have been privy to the final standings a couple hours before the announcement? Our chatter box buddies over in Pasadena.