[Ed. Bumped from the archives, as a companion to the Tom Harmon in the cartoon pieces, these ones also featuring Bump Elliott and 1947 Heisman runner-up, Bob Chappuis.]
As a follow to last weekend’s post featuring a comic book recapping exploits of U-M great Tom Harmon, check this out.
Thanks to local collector Ken Magee, here are a few more instances where Michigan legends (Tom Harmon, Bump Elliott and Bob Chappuis) were featured in comic books back in the day. They were found in issues of Treasure Chest, a children’s publication that ran from 1946 to 1972.
First up, check out the cover from 1956, featuring Bump Elliott:
They borrowed that scene from an actual pic of Bump’s punt return against Illinois in 1947, even featuring the two Illini guys (#45 and #54) who got posterized!

The pages inside locked down on the 1948 Rose Bowl, one of my favorites, where your Wolverines hoodwinked and whipsawed the Trojans 49-0. Before getting into the Mad Magicians route it warmed my heart that it led off with a salute to Yost’s perfectly perfect 1902 Rose Bowl squad, including a cartoon reincarnation of the 1901 team photo:
Also heartwarming, this diagram of Bob Chappuis’ epic jump pass to Bump Elliott in the 2nd quarter:
“Gee, sweet TV!” And a tight block M formation by the Michigan Marching Band!
And again, it closes with a salute to the 1901 squad:
And I guess this finally settles the question of who was the rightful recipient of the 1947 national title between Michigan and Notre Dame:
Along with Bump Elliott, Treasure Chest featured Tom Harmon in 1950. From the inside:
This one went more through Harmon’s entire life, pre-and post-football, including his days at Horace Mann High School in Indiana, through Michigan to his service as a pilot, along with his broadcasting career. From his Michigan days:
It adds a salute to Harmon’s pal Forest Evashevski, the straw that stirred the drink that was the 1940 squad and the man who paved the path to Harmon’s Heisman. Well done:
One Comment
Jeff Cummins
Here’s a thought for Dave Brandon and the marketing folks. Take a look at that children’s publication and model a future throwback uniform after the one worn by number 18. From the helmet, all the way down to the socks and solid black shoes. That’s an old school uniform we could all get behind!