A fabulous resource for the NCAA tournament is over at Pete Tiernan’s bracketscience.com. I interviewed Tiernan, who lives in Saline, back in 2009 and today you can also find him on CBSSports.com dropping tourney knowledge. One interesting tidbit for U-M fans is the following table. Coach Beilein remains among the top coaches in the NCAA tournament based on Tiernan’s ‘PASE’ (Performance Against Seed Expectation’) metric: Tiernan explains how PASE is determined: PASE is a simple concept. Every seed has recorded an average number of wins per tourney in the modern era. The average top seed wins 3.42 games per dance, two seeds win 2.43 (almost exactly one game less), three seeds win 1.84 and so on. When the coach of a top-seeded team wins four games to reach the Final Four, he overperforms by .58 games. If he wins the championship, he exceeds seed expectations by 2.58 games. Not surprising that Coach Izzo is #1 on the list, and Steve Fisher is firmly in the third slot when you factor in the 1989 and Fab Five runs. Of course many fans have reminded Tiernan of the Ed Martin scandal and question whether it should count: (Many have emailed me to argue that he shouldn’t be on the list at all, given that the tainted Fab Five contributed to his overachievement.)…
Michigan Football History Will Be Televised…What’s Next?
Stunt3 Multimedia, the folks behind the upcoming Gerald Ford/Willis Ward documentary, is asking for input from U-M fans on what other stories you’d like to see produced. It looks like the hype over the Fab Five film got their juices flowing: “We saw with the ‘Fab Five’ film on ESPN just how much hunger there is for Michigan documentaries,” said Brian Kruger, President of Stunt3 Multimedia. “This is going to satisfy that hunger.” They’ve got four pretty interesting ideas to extend their series and they’re asking you to contact them with your choice. The nominees: Tom and Drew: The Battle to be the Starter Drew Henson came to Michigan as perhaps the most celebrated recruit ever, but when he arrived in Ann Arbor, there was another quarterback holding on to the starting spot – a lightly regarded beanpole from California named Tom Brady. In 1998, Brady was the starter and Henson was the backup, but in 1999, Coach Lloyd Carr came up with a system where they’d alternate as the starter. That decision split Wolverine Nation in 1999 – and the debate continues to this day. Wangler to Carter: The Most Exciting Play in Michigan Football History With just six seconds left in the 1979 game between Michigan and Indiana, the heavily favored Wolverines found themselves in a 21-21 tie…
Coach Hoke Joins Spartan Nation (Mar-14 audio)
Brady Hoke on enemy airwaves? Indeed, he joined Hondo Carpenter on Spartan Nation Radio tonight. Here’s the full segment and heck, Hondo even bumped it in and out with The Victors: [display_podcast]
Audio from the Fab Five Premiere
A few audio clips from the Q&A in the aftermath of Jalen Rose’s Ann Arbor premiere of tonight’s ESPN Fab Five documentary. More commentary, photos, etc. here. In order: 1. Jalen On Chris Webber, why he hasn’t seen documentary and the time he still needs. He says there’s no beef with the team or whatever. Jalen just says that Chris isn’t ready to talk about it, says he’s still carrying a lot with him especially after to the two finals losses at the timeout. Jalen hoping he finds some way to “release” all that weight. 2. Jalen on the trip to Europe right after the 1991 Finals and how he feels they were exploited. 3. Jalen on how ESPN feels about the Duke/Uncle Tom comments and his message to the Duke guys he works with. He told ESPN, “Ya’ll better not fire me on Monday..” 4. Jalen on the content he wishes they could have fit into the film but didn’t make it. Jalen says there are a lot of things, but he definitely wanted to point out how life was in the early 1990s (pre-internet, how people felt about the music.) 5. For fun, someone asking Jalen if he would have called the timeout if he were in the same situation as Webber. Basically Jalen won’t answer but Jimmy…
Sweatervest McCheaty Weasel Pants +1
Check out the entire email thread on 610WTVN.com. HT to @DaBangStick Google returns 71,600 results when you search on Tressel Weasel. +1 While we’re on oldies but goodies, how about this gem from haiku contest winner Hacker from back in August 2008: And as usual you can there are a few auctions of the evidence Buckeye gold pants – these beauties from the 2009 game: Current price: $501.00 (12 bids) Current price: $995.00 (no bids)
Sweeps Week (Spartan Nation audio)
Last night I spent a few minutes on enemy airwaves discussing the sweep and more with Hondo Carpenter of Spartan Nation on SN Radio. If you missed it, here’s the audio: [display_podcast] Follow MVictors on Twitter
Broom! (Goes the Dynamite) Michigan 70, MSU 63
What a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon, don’t you think? Bullets: It has been amazing to witness the young guys, especially Morgan, Hardaway & Morris, maturing and improving since the start of the season. It’s tangible progress before our eyes so hats off to the entire coaching staff and of course the team. I actually give some credit to the M fans for the Maize out. As I like to say, Wolverine fans are really good at “Wear Whatever You Want-Outs” but horrible at Maize-outs. I thought the place was about 75-ish percent maize which is about as good as you are going to get. I was a student during the Fab Five era when we used to wait out hours to pile into Crisler and pack the place It had that feel yesterday. Speaking of the Maize-out: the always sharp-dressed M assistant Bacari Alexander looked sharp in his brown suit, but what do we need to do to get Coach Tweet outfitted in an all-Maize ensemble?? Sharp! Those on Twitter might have seen a barrage of “HALOL!”. I’ve been asked by a few folks what it refers to. It’s a common tag on Coach Alexander’s tweets which I presumed to simply be an emphatic version of “LOL!”. Sunday morning Bacari confirmed this: I expected the students…
Bo Enjoys Beating Spartans (1974)
I love this wire photo of Bo Schembechler that popped up on eBay recently. A photog caught Schembechler in the final few minutes of the 1974 game against Michigan State. Bo is hunched down and he appears to crank out a slight grin as he gazes up at the stadium clock. Love it: Let’s hope we get a similar grin from Coach Beilein at Crisler this afternoon.