Resolution to the attendance drama per Sara Wilcox at Guinness World Records PR: “Final number is: 104,073” There you have it. Now get back to flight tracking!
Statement From Rich Rodriguez, former Coach
Via U-M Media Relations: January 6, 2011 Statement from Rich Rodriguez “I am proud of the dedication and commitment exhibited by the coaching staff and student-athletes who have represented the University of Michigan football program over the last three seasons. While I am disappointed to depart Ann Arbor before we were able to reach the level of success we had in our sights, I am confident that the players who remain have the potential to do great things and to return the Wolverines to greatness. I would like to thank our fans and our student body for their tremendous support. There is great passion for Michigan football and I have made lifelong friends through this experience.”
Brandon/Rodriguez Firing Press Conference (video)
A fine job once again at the podium by the AD. One historical nit, naturally. About 14 minutes in Brandon mentioned this: “..our percentage win-loss record overall over the last three years is the worst in our 131 [years] season history.” Not so. I didn’t go year by year but I know Harry Kipke’s crew from 1934-1936 (including MVP Gerald Ford in ‘34) went 6-18, or .250. Rodriguez, including the bowl game, went 15-22 or .405. Here’s the video:
Maintain your Dignity
For all those who have lost their minds right now, how about giving the process a chance to play out before judging Michigan, Brandon, President Coleman, Harbaugh? How about getting an official decision and an explanation from David Brandon before killing the folks at State Street? And here’s a stretch: how about giving the coach, whomever that is this year, a fair shot over the next few seasons?
Turning Minutes to Hours
I have no gut feeling on what’s going to happen—I’ve had people tell me before the bowl that Harbaugh was pretty much a done deal, and for a while I’ve had word that discussions with Hoke were very serious. Prior to the bowl, the needle seemed to sway toward Harbaugh leaving Stanford and heading to Michigan. Now, the chatter seems to be the other way, with even a few speculating that he might stay in Palo Alto. Several folks close to the program, like Sam Webb, say all the talk at this point in nonsense. It’s not about the money, at least when talking Michigan vs. the NFL as Brandon will pay what it takes. I see Harbaugh as the type who’s going to value the better situation for himself and the people in his life ahead of the bucks. Guys who tweet out Gordon Lightfoot lyrics (and mean it) don’t chase dollars: If I’m Harbaugh I absolutely leave Stanford—you’ve got to move now and who knows what will happen in the next couple years. And I’ve always understood when college coaches head to the pros. No matter what happens at that level there always seems to be a high profile gig waiting for them back in college. I think Harbaugh’s a different kind of cat, as many of…
Denard’s headed to The League and other Gator Snark
I flew into Jacksonville the night of New Year’s Eve so I didn’t get the full bowl week media experience but from what I witnessed, the bowl reps and the city did a real nice job promoting the event and handling the media. The folks at EverBank field and with the Gator Bowl were very helpful and courteous and even provided full transcripts of both press conferences which is fantastic. So hats off. That said, naturally I have to point out a few of the less than brilliant points of light: * I donned a maize “M Golf” hat on gameday. While taking some photos of the Mississippi State fans banging their cowbells before the game, one Bulldog fan asked me if I was the Michigan golf coach. Me: “Yep.” * I’m puzzled why the Gator Bowl shelled out $30,000 for the bowl trophy. The finest trophy in sports cost all of 30 cents. Yikes, why did they feel compelled to commission Tiffany and spend thirty large?: After retrieving the trophy, Gator Bowl officials were asked by Mississippi State officials if they could have the trophy sitting on the podium for coach Dan Mullen’s postgame news conference. It took two phone calls to make that happen. There’s a big reason: the trophy was handmade by Tiffany’s and cost $30,000. *…
Unite the Clans!
I held an impromptu live blog last night, thanks to those who joined. I thought there were some good thoughts and in the end, an epic slogan. As it was winding down chatter Aaron wrote: “Someone unite the clans.” Unite the Clans! Unfortunately I don’t think all the clans will be united until someone puts a solid winner on the field. I’ve already heard how there are several insiders/administrators who won’t ever forgive Harbaugh for the academic standards comments. The chat boiled down to where you stand on Rich Rod, Harbaugh and the other coaching options. There is a small percentage (fewer than 10%?) of folks remaining that want to keep Rich Rod. But I feel for the vast majority the question comes down to this at this point, pick where you stand: [poll id=35] During the live blog I popped that up and it went about 75/25 in favor of the Harbaugh or Rich Rod option. Either way- what’s it going to take to – UNITE THE CLANS?!! A Rose Bowl? This guy?: