Super Dave Brandon joined Ira and Sam this morning on WTKA. Here’s the audio, starts about 1 minute in: [display_podcast] At the end he talked about apologies. Brandon: “We apologized yesterday because we made mistakes. I’m kinda waiting for somebody from the media to apologize for mistakes they made. And I’m not sure that’s ever going to happen, but that would be a nice thing, wouldn’t it?” Judging from the stories out today from the Free Press you can bet Brandon’s not holding his breath for a phone call. Later this morning on WTKA John U. Bacon made the point that folks will read into the NCAA findings what they will to benefit their point of view, a ruling Rorschach if you will. What do you think? Here’s Sharp: Michigan believed it scored a victory when the NCAA accepted its impassioned argument against the fifth and most serious allegation — that Rodriguez willingly fostered an atmosphere of non-compliance, accepting the different conviction that the coach wrongly failed to monitor his program. It’s like the thief that’s caught stealing your watch, but is relieved he didn’t get nailed for taking your wallet as well. And this headline from Snyder/Rosey: We really wanted to know two things out of this announcement—whether the NCAA would accept Michigan’s self-imposed sanctions and whether they’d drop…
NCAA Presser (Photos)
A few photos from the event
Update: Mudbowl Set for 9:45am Saturday
[Ed. 11/3 Updated with team details] With the kick-off of the Illinois game set for noon, the SAE Mudbowl will start around 9:45am at the corner of South University and Washtenaw. The host fraternity will face Phi Psi who defeated Alpha Epsilon Pi in fraternity league playoffs last night. The sororities are also set, as Kappa Kappa Gamma will face off against Sigma Kappa (photo inset above). The event will benefit Mott Children’s Hospital and I understand over $30,000 has already been raised. They typically play this on Homecoming but due to a student break that coincided with that weekend, the game was moved out to November 6, 2010.
Six Digits turns 35
On November 8, 1975, over 102 thousand Wolverine fans rolled into the Michigan Stadium to watch Bo’s crew roll up Purdue 28-0. It’s a safe assumption that 100,000 will enter the gates Saturday and that’ll extend the streak of 100K+ crowds to over 35 years.
Ernie, HLHD ’08
For those who don’t think U-M takes honorary degrees seriously, I spotted this flipping through Michigan Alumnus magazine which came today. In the back of the issue they have a few pages listing, in fine print, alumni who passed away, organized by the decade in which they received their degree. One Michigan Man from the class of 2008 caught my eye: Harwell earned an Honorary ‘Doctor of Humane Letters’ (HLHD) in the spring of ’08. Follow MVictors on Twitter
Military Appreciation Day on Saturday: How You Can Help
A few cool things planned for Saturday as the athletic department honors the military during the Illinois game: Members of the Wounded Warrior Project and Gold Star families of Michigan will line the tunnel as the Michigan football squad takes the field. The MMB will play a medley of military sounds from each branch and will be flanked by two 65×120 foot flags, held by members of the U-M ROTC and Student Veterans’ Association. Four T-38s will perform a fly-over. How to Help At gates #2 and #8 on Saturday, folks will be collecting items for the Afghan families and troops: For Afghan families: they request new or used winter clothing, coats, hats, gloves, Michigan clothing (nice!), pens, pencils, crayons, notebooks, children’s books, generic bifocal lenses, blankets, small toys, stuffed animals. For the Troops: black socks (Jalen’s got those), deodorant, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, gum, protein bars, Ramen noodles, canned meat, trail mix, and new or used DVDs or video games. You can also leave handwritten cards and letters. If you can’t make it they’ll be taking donations in the lobby of the ticket office at 1000 S. State Street between 8:30am and 5pm starting Monday 11/1 through Friday 11/5. Tim Hortons is donating up to 720 pounds (46,000 cups!) of coffee. When they mentioned this I saw a big…
Getting Offensive
“Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them. But first, more donuts and cider.” Melanie Maxwell – As you might expect, callers to the morning shows on WTKA were hammering away at Rich Rod and Greg Robinson. Even omnipresent caller and ardent Rich Rod supporter Linda from Grand Blanc effectively called for a coaching change. I hate going through this game of classifying Michigan fans, but I think there’s a good portion of us that have been out there notsomuch defending Rodriguez, but instead defending him against critics of his offensive philosophy, the unfair treatment of countless incidents in the media and the circumstances that have led to the depleted talent on defense. Last night twitter was blazing with folks pinning this mess on Greg Robinson, asking for his head with even a few folks wishing Ron English could return, haha. Sorry, at this point there are no thirdsies for Rich Rod with respect to the defense and the coordinator. Maybe Gerg has no idea what he’s doing, but it doesn’t matter, it’s on Rodriguez. As far as the talent, yep, they are young and inexperienced but we’re nearly three years in and we can’t stop (or beat) marginal Big Ten opponents. Rodriguez didn’t give the defense the same emphasis when he came in and yes, caught several…
Live! This Week in Michigan Football History
I’ll be doing my weekly ‘This Week…‘ segment live in WTKA 1050AM studios tonight with Ira and crew, tune into the pregame show in the six o’clock hour for that segment. We’ll be looking back to one of the greatest ever—triple overtime thriller against Michigan State held six years ago to the day, October 30, 2004: The sponsor of This Week…is Wolverine Beer so here’s where you can find it, or check out the Beer Wench’s Blog. I’m still waiting to have my first Wolverine beer, perhaps some day soon. You can hear all of the This Week… clips here.