• Big House Big Heart Run – October 3rd

      Photo: Maddie LaKind / Michigan Daily Moe’s and Underground Printing have teamed up with The Big House Big Heart Run , they are doing their annual 5K, 10K, and walk this Sunday October 3rd.  Details: The race… …starts and finishes at the University of Michigan’s famous football stadium–The Big House. It is the largest stadium in the country seating over 107,000 spectators. This chip-timed 5K and 10K events start on the corner of Kipke and Green and the run takes you through the University of Michigan’s beautiful campus with a spectacular finish–a run through the Big House tunnel and onto the field. You’ll finish on the 50 yard line and watch yourself on the Big House Big Screen! WALKERS, STROLLERS and WHEELCHAIRS WELCOME! Raise Funds for Your Non Profit! Big House Big Heart offers you TWO ways to raise funds for area non profits. Champions for Charity will donate a portion of your entry to ALS research at The University of Michigan Program for Neurology Research & Discovery, the UM Cardiovascular Center and to C. S. Mott Children’s Hospital and Women’s Hospital!Get a team together for your favorite non profit. Champions for Charity will supply you with a fund-raising kit. You and your team can raise thousands of dollars for the charity of your choice just by getting tax…

  • Broken Records

    The offense continues to pile up yards and tripping up team records–the media relations folks will be busy today updating the record book.   A few notes: * The team fell just six total yards short of passing the team record for total offense of 727 yards set last year against Delaware State. * You heard that Forcier set the record for passing efficiency (minimum 10 attempts), something they do track.   Here’s who he passed: * 65 points is a mighty number, but to crack the top five all time Michigan will have to get really close to triple digits.  Four times Yost’s point-a-minute teams exceeded the century mark, with the high remaining ‘The Mountaineer Romp’ in 1904 when the Wolverines doubled Saturday’s tally: * Of course the record for fewest punts was tied as Will Hagerup only saw the field in warm-ups (and not even that much then).   This happened three other times according to the books: * Ahh, the obligatory history nerd nitpick.  The books cite the most punts by an opponent as Ohio State with 21 during the awesome 1950 punt fest, the Snow Bowl.   I strenuously object, like Demi Moore in A Few Good Men. Media Relations might argue the punting statistics don’t go back that far (understood), but it appears the Gophers punted 25 times in…

  • AP Poll Week 5 – Who Voted for Michigan

    Here you go: Voter Rank Chadd Cripe (Idaho Statesman) 13 Craig James (ABC – The Pony) 13 Brett McMurphy 14 Ray Ratto 14 Joe Giglio 15 Keith Sargeant 15 Mike Hlas 15 Rob Long 15 Kyle Ringo 16 Adam Zuvanich 17 Chip Cosby 17 Dave Foster 17 Bob Asmussen 18 Bob Hammond 18 Cecil Hurt 18 Chris Fowler 18 Ferd Lewis 18 Greg Auman 18 John Niyo 18 Jon Solomon 18 Kyle Veazey 18 Bob Condotta 19 Desmond Conner 19 Doug Lesmerises 19 Greg Archuleta 19 Kyle Tucker 19 Manny Navarro 19 Sal Interdonato 19 Wes Rucker 19 Cole Harvey 20 Doug Haller 20 Garland Gillen 20 Jack Bogaczyk 20 John Shinn 20 Matt McCoy 20 Robert Cessna 20 Steve Conroy 20 Tom Keegan 20 Tom Mulhern 20 Travis Haney 20 Wade Denniston 20 David Jones 21 Kirk Bohls 21 Kirk Herbstreit 21 Marcus Fuller 21 Pete DiPrimio 21 Ray Fittipaldo 21 Tom Murphy 21 John Hunt 22 John Werner 22 Lisa Byington 22 Eric Hansen 23 Mark Anderson 23 Randy Rosetta 23 Steve Sipple 23 Andy Staples 24 Bill Cole 24 Mike DeArmond 24 Jon Wilner (San Jose Mecury News) unranked Scott Wolf (LA Daily News) unranked via pollspeak.com

  • Bowling Green Postgame: Still Feeling Alright

    The favorites off my camera from the post game: Gardner feelin’ alright: Thumbs up from Shaw, who’s doesn’t dole out the thumbs up for anyone in my experience: Tate and Denard reflecting briefly on the big day: "How much of this stuff do he think we can stand?  So much rhythm, grace and debonair from one man?" (What, no ascot???): Denard chilling as the clock winded down: QB Force got a huge cheer from the crowd when he came in.  I asked him about after the game; he definitely heard it and appreciated it: Not too bad? Elsewhere: Nice shots from Brad at Maize and Blue Nation. Lon from AnnArbor.com got the shot of Denard leaping to check Gardner after the game. Dell’s shots from UMGoBlue

  • Feeling Alright

    Denard is doing just fine.    A few observations: He ran over to the student section after the game. Obviously he was feeling above average during The Victors (above). When Gardner scored at the end of the game, he met him near the sideline and jumped (pretty high) to do a butt bump or whatever you call that. Rich Rod said he’s fine after the game, not planning to do any further tests.   Further, RR said he could have put Denard back in the game if he needed to. Consider what Denard did today in the nine minutes of elapsed game time that he played: 189 total yards Two TDs That’s 21 yards per minute and a individually Yostian 1.33 points per minute.

  • Bowling Green – Pregame Photos

    Sights and sounds on the field pregame, enjoy:   Shoelaces, spreading just like the flu, watch out home boy don’t let it catch you: Proficient at cradling the pigskin for sure: Many eyes on these guys today: Lil’ "Miss Buckeye State" favors your favorite team, and made that very clear to me when I asked: Related: Broken Records – BGSU Bowling Green Postgame: Still Feeling Alright Yeesh Feeling Alright