backpic: Good stuff this evening from RichRod, enjoy: [display_podcast] Yes, Tate and the other bad bunch got their wings restored. We can all rest easy. Check out mgoTim’s rundown of the event including, ahem, one final question: Rodriguez got one of the first copies of Jon Falk’s new book. He hasn’t read the whole thing yet. "He’s got a lot of stories to tell, and he’s an icon, and everybody loves big Jon." Oh, postscript. Yes, there is a scrimmage on Saturday and I’ll be there but it’s a private event and I can’t bring a camera (or have alcohol on my breath or act weird). Tweeting? We’ll see. But I’ll share a few observations on these pages most likely. Also we’ve got media day Sunday and I’ll bring back some goodies from there no doubt. Follow MVictors on Twitter
Last Call for Free Shirts from Moe’s! Enter Now.
Make a shirt that has this on it, man. What’s the worse thing that could happen? The great folks at Moe’s and UGP have received a bunch of great entries for the ‘Trick Out your Tailgate with Free Shirts’ contest (ok, that’s my new name for it) and needs any other entries in by this Friday. So get ’em in. Don’t know what I’m talking about? GET IN: Moe Sport Shop (711 N. University) and Underground Printing (1114 S. University) is rewarding our loyal and faithful Wolverines by sponsoring tailgates this fall. The winning tailgate gets discount codes to use at Moe’s or UGP and up to 40 free custom shirts* made up for their tailgate members. Fill out the below questions and send them to and a tailgate will be selected from all the submissions. Winner will be announced on 1. Favorite tailgate spot or location of your tailgate? 2. How many members does your tailgate typically have? 3. What’s the best food item served? 4. Official/favorite beverage of your tailgate? 5. Are you a Facebook user? 6. What percentage of your tailgate uses Facebook? 7. Why should we choose your tailgate (1 paragraph max)? Questions on forms submission, any questions/problems can be directed to Check us out Moe Sports Online and Underground Printing or…
Calvin Magee has his Wings and (full presser audio 08-16)
Coach Magee has his wings but we’re not sure where he keeps them. Press conference audio from today, for download or just listen: [display_podcast] Tim has an excellent rundown on mgoblog.
Woolfolk in your Thoughts
Via U-M Media relations, statement from Rich Rodriguez: August 17, 2010 Statement from Michigan Head Coach Rich Rodriguez Troy Woolfolk suffered a lower body injury during practice this afternoon and was transported to U-M Hospital with our team physician. We can’t comment further due to medical privacy rights.
#1 Jersey "Semi-Retired"
Tonight Rich Rod was asked (audio 6:01 in) if any of the WRs would have the opportunity to wear the #1 jersey this season: Rodriguez: "You know we haven’t discussed the #1 jersey in about, I guess, almost two years now. I think the last time that was brought up was probably the last time it was discussed. It’s not retired but I guess it’s semi-retired at the moment." He chuckled in the middle of that as well. Clearly there are no plans for the numero uno to appear in Ann Arbor any time soon. My take? He said basically the opposite of what I was hoping for. I was hoping this was at least on the coaches mind, something they evaluate every season, and that there were a couple guys in "the running". Oh well. I do understand Rich Rod wanting to steer clear of it given what happened the first go round. Tearaways I love that old photo of Anthony Carter losing his jersey. There’s a tidbit about AC’s special tearaway jerseys in Jon Falk’s new book that were ordered special for the wiry receiver, after it was noticed that he was frequently brought down by mesh grabbing tacklers. Falk estimates that Carter would go through "seven of eight jerseys a game" and advised that he packed "15…
Rich Rodriguez (08-16 press conference audio)
Here’s RichRod from this evening’s press conference. A couple interesting off the field items came up: He validated what people suspected—the all blue helmets that are seen on some players including Tate Forcier are indeed a motivational tool. There are some players that need to earn their "wings". He was asked if any WR might earn the coveted #1 jersey this season. RR clearly doesn’t want to talk about the #1 jersey anytime soon and said the jersey was "semi-retired". Full audio: [display_podcast]
Mike Martin (08-16 press conference audio)
Looked great, says he feels great. Guessing his helmet has wings. [display_podcast]
Patrick Omameh (08-16 press conference audio)
Mr. Omameh, who says he’s gained 50 pounds since arriving in Ann Arbor: [display_podcast]