• Mail: MGOBLUESHOP blows, Ufer Plaque, M ring, HTTV ‘10?

    I received a few emails over the past few weeks worthy of a post, here you go: That "Official" Michigan fanshop ….MGOBLUESHOP is terrible. They have not had any new items or updates for weeks. If you try to call the 1 877 phone number you get a prerecorded message saying the company is closed for a company holiday. Today the 1 877 phone is out of service. The university sure made a bad decision in going with this company. Bring back the MDEN!! – Dan A: That’s what I hear.  Since I live in the area I do my shopping locally usually at the M-Den in the mall or Moe’s on campus.  Yes, MGOBLUESHOP is was the official site of U-M but note that the local shops do have an online presence including M Den, Moe Sports Shops, or even blog-friendly Underground Printing.   (Maybe they’ll even advertise on these pages some day soon, sheesh!) [Ed.  Thanks to the comment by Gina, yes, I see a release on mgoblue.com advising they are changing store partners – great news!] I am wondering what has become of the plaque that used to be next to the entrance to the press box.  It was of Bob Ufer, commemorating his 362 consecutive radio broadcasts.  Surely it will be back at the entrance to the…

  • Terrible Tom Harmon Strikes It (1946)

    Check out this auction of a wire photo featuring L.A. Ram Tom Harmon flashing a pose. And it’s just gotta be that pose, right?  Right? Let’s make it so.  Add it to the roll, with the legendary drop by Magic: And the Thanksgiving Day Thank-You-M’am by Chuck W.: The seller must have known he was on to something with the Harmon photo, asking a whopping $95 for it.  I don’t think it’ll fetch that but we’ll see – I’m thinking more in the $30-$40 range is the right price. Thanks again to Dan for passing it along.  If you’ve got a truly unique piece of Michigan memorabilia around the house or if you spot a cool auction, let me know.

  • Dorsey and the Coaching Staff

    I highlighted one phrase from Dorsey’s Q&A with TomVH at mgoblog on my post earlier this morning and meant to follow-up on that.  Here’s that post and here’s that phrase: DEMAR: …..I haven’t heard anything from the coaches yet. On first glance that could be taken as a bit troublesome.  I busted into Ira and Sam’s “Recruiting Roundup” on WTKA this morning to offer up Webb some well-deserved praise and then asked Sam about this comment.  Note that earlier in the broadcast Sam was touting a yet-to-be published interview with Scout.com and Dorsey.  Audio: [display_podcast] _ So if you don’t care to listen, Sam clarifies that Dorsey told Scout.com he did speak with the coaches but added that Dorsey says his parents have handled much of the talking (and perhaps that’s what he meant in the mgoblog interview).  And later this morning the GBW/Scout piece ($) came out and there’s this: [Ed. I don’t normally cut and paste paid content but I think this safe.  Sign up for GBW.] GoBlueWolverine:  Have you been in contact with the Wolverine coaching staff? Demar Dorsey:  “Yeah, they were down here checking on me. I talked to the coaches a couple times, but my parents talked to them most of the time.” Not surprisingly, word on the street is that Rodriguez is “furious”.   Via…

  • Demar Dorsey Speaks

    Well done by Tom VanHaaren of mgoblog and U Recruit, scoring a Q&A with man of the hour, Demar Dorsey.   The money question: TOM: So, where are you at with Michigan? DEMAR: Right now, I’m still signed under my letter of intent, so I can’t do anything yet until I hear back from them. They told me that they don’t think I can get in with admissions about two weeks ago, or a week ago, but they weren’t sure. They had been checking on my grades earlier in the year, and I was on top of it. When I got home one day, my parents said that they were sending back my letter of intent. They were sending me a release form. I’m not sure what that means, or if it means I’m officially not in. I think because I signed a letter of intent, if I wanted to open up my recruitment, I would have to send that back to them. If I can’t get in from the admissions, then I have to send that back. My mom said we need to do that, so we have to send it out tomorrow, and we’ll go from there. I have the ACT score, and I have the core, so we’re just waiting to hear what happens. I haven’t heard anything…

  • Adam, What about My Jug?

    I'm not seeing many plausible scenarios where we keep all of our rivals, especially considering OSU and Michigan would likely end up together in most realignment scenarios. So my question for you is, will I ever see the Little Brown Jug again? The quality of my week depends on your answer.

  • The Dorsey Aftermath

    This morning on WTKA 1050AM Sam Webb mentioned the Demar Dorsey situation once again, basically reiterating he doesn’t expect the Florida 5-star recruit to be at U-M this fall despite the lack of official word on the matter.   But once again Sam hinted that something else might be in play: [display_podcast] – Notable quote (beyond the ‘What you talkin’ about Willis? line): “What will be interesting to see is where he ends up in the aftermath.    Because if he ends up at a JUCO then we know what the deals was–he wasn’t qualified.   If he winds up Florida State/Louisville/Cincinnati, then he was qualified, Michigan just didn’t take him and of course that brings up the question as to why.  We’ll have to wait and see on that.” So clearly Webb heard something, to the point where he’s comfortable talking about Dorsey not making the (U-M) grade.   But I think you can read from this that something else is going on – recruiting insight is Webb’s business and he doesn’t toss out these suggestions lightly.    Read into it what you will, but sounds like Dorsey “qualified” but didn’t make it through Michigan admissions. [Ed. Update June 7 – 9pm EDT]: Word is starting to come out claiming that, indeed, Dorsey passed the clearinghouse but is getting the stop sign…