• Talking JDRF Golf & More (WTKA audio)

    A huge thanks to Ira and Sam down at WTKA 1050AM who invited me in studio to talk about the upcoming 2010 JDRF Golf Classic, to be held at Franklin Hills CC in Franklin.   The good news?  The event is sold out!   That said, I wanted to go on the air to spread awareness for juvenile diabetes and to let folks know how they can help out.  Beyond JDRF, we talked a little spring football, laughed over a recent tweet by Brandon Graham and much more.  Here’s the audio: [display_podcast] . More info: 2010 JDRF Golf Classic on Monday June 21, 2010 at the beautiful Franklin Hills Country Club.    The event is sold out but if you want more information about JDRF or to donate, contact JDRF Detroit!

  • Changing the Books

    I’m on the fence on whether MLB should change the result of the Galarraga perfect-no.  I’ve heard some compelling arguments to do this and I’d like to hear from some of the baseball media heavyweights.  I have this image of the giant heads of Bob Costas, George Will and Ken Burns hovering above Bud Selig (like that Krypton trial in Superman 2) rendering their judgment on the matter. There are countless plays/results Michigan fans would like to see reversed (White no fumble, Desmond/MSU maul, Spartan Bob, etc.) but that’ll never happen.   I believe these days official scorers tweak stats after games, particularly in football as fantasy football players can attest. The only “major” postgame alterations to the Michigan record books I can recall are related to scoring errors, notsomuch by the officials, but by the media and university.   The Bentley Library recently updated the score of the 1909 Syracuse game after being alerted by a meddling blogger: Similarly, thanks to the research of Natural Enemies author John Kryk, there’s been an asterisk applied to the 1903 Ferris State game result, when Yost and crew pitched a near perfect game themselves: Filed under FWIW, or, More proof you can tie anything back to Michigan football.

  • BG’s Bliss

    A classic Twitter moment last night as the sports world erupted in the moments following the Jim Joyce blunder on the Armando Galarraga perfecto last night.   As the outrage-laden tweets rolled by in the seconds after the bungled call, I got a huge laugh out of this note from @BGraham54 (Brandon Graham) who had other things going on:

  • Gut Punch Feeling

    Is there a Coldplay version of O Let Do It? This morning on WTKA 1050AM first someone shot Sam Webb’s dog, then he gave an update on the status of Michigan commits Antonio Kinard and Demar Dorsey.   Sam doesn’t give his patented “gut feelings” on things such as this, but if you take away anything other than these guys aren’t going to be wearing the winged helmet next season, let me know: [display_podcast] No, not a shock but I was hopeful especially on Dorsey.  Webb hints at a possibility there could be something else in play beyond grades, but we’ll see. <piano> O Let Do… –> Follow MVictors on Twitter 

  • Fritz Crisler Describes the Spinner (1948)

    This caught my eye because it includes a passage and diagram from legendary Michigan coach and athletic director Fritz Crisler, describing the famed single wing fullback spinner.   It was formations and plays like this that earned Crisler’s backfield the nickname ‘The Mad Magicians’.

  • What About Bill?

    I was always concerned about the missing CARA forms.  In November, after the Detroit News reported no sheets had been turned into compliance since Rodriguez arrived I rambled out some thoughts on the matter, including this: But either Rodriguez and crew are complete and total a-holes and told Van Horn and crew to stick it, or someone at U-M was asleep at the whistle.  The football team had plenty to worry about after last season.  Isn’t much of this on the university for not cracking the whip?  After a few months went by formless, shouldn’t have someone reminded RR and crew of the policy.. Reader ‘Papa D’ reacted to that post with this: Where was the oversight from the athletic department CEO, namely Bill (Vladimir) Martin? Don’t you think Judy Van Horn reported the lack of compliance to the AD? This remains a great question.  Super Dave Brandon beautifully handled the situation Tuesday and even took responsibility for the whole mess.  But of course Dave was reformulating the Domino’s pizza recipe when all this went down and the real head of the athletic department was Bill Martin. Mgoblog provided an excellent rundown of the blatant stonewalling of Scott Draper and Brad Labadie with respect to the requests by Judy Van Horn and Ann Vollano to submit the practice forms and…

  • Dude, not Sweet

    You just made my list Ashton Kutcher, via Twitter: Come on Kutcher, don’t be hating the Blue to four million followers.  Mini Me is on Twitter too and he’s going to crush you with the strength of his army of 10,000. (HT: Justin Rogers at MLive) Related: Dude meets Sweet.  You win.