• The Sheets

    I’ve that had a little more access to the football team this season.  I’ve made it to my share of press conferences, a few practices (before we were booted) and even on the field & press box for a couple games.   It’s a nice privilege, but while the performance on the field the past several weeks has been beyond tough, watching all this crap go down behind the scenes all season has been brutal.   Blabbering about it on these pages isn’t really a ball either as I’d rather blabber about old ticket stubs and the like. Nonetheless, a couple thoughts about the Detroit News report that football failed to keep the practice logs that would (help) demonstrate the team’s compliance with NCAA practice regulations: -> Since U-M’s audit and findings came out well ahead of the Free Press practicegate story, is it safe to assume that a Deepthroat inside either leaked the report or more likely, nudged Rosenberg and crew to dig around on this topic?  Viva la conspiracy! -> Next, I’m not sure who I’m mad at here.  It bugs me that this was allowed to go on as long as it did.  "All other varsity sports submitted their CARA forms timely,” according to the July 24 letter sent to Rodriguez.  The football program probably has the most complicated…

  • Doubling while Down

    When he was hired, they asked Rodriguez what how he’d prepare for Ohio State and for being part of the rivalry.  I don’t have the exact quote, but he effectively said that each game counts as one, and until that changes he’ll approach each game the same.  Well, Saturday’s game definitely counts for two, maybe more. It’s a tough time to have all the chips on the table as nothing seems to be working right now.  Another second half collapse on the gridiron, and the f’in Spartans sweeping our beloved icers. Then toss in Bruce Springsteen, who’s composed many a tune on the plight of the downtrodden, mistakenly saluted Ohio at his concert Friday at the Palace: Bruce has played here at least once every year since 2002. Imagine, then, Bruce coming onstage and greeting the crowd with a salute to Ohio! And then sticking Ohio in to the lyrics of "Wrecking Ball" — of course, a Michigan audience tends not to object too much to lines such as, "tonight Ohio is going down in flames." Finally, Bruce put Ohio into the rap for "Working on a Dream." This last actually managed to get a few boos, and prompted Stevie to inform Bruce that they were, in fact, in Michigan. Ugh. Bullets: -> I actually think Pryor at the Buckeyes…

  • Just Win. Something. (MSU 3, Michigan 2)

       Anything.  Thumb wrestling.  Yes, Corey Tropp returned to Yost and he and his Spartans got over on Michigan 3-2.  Tropp scored a beautiful top-shelfer right in front of me for an extra kick in the nads.  I felt nothing. The game was for the most part free of violence, although it seems the Wolverines had a guy in the penalty box most of the night.  The Spartan goal that turned out to be the game winner looked a little suspicious (it was reviewed) although I haven’t seen a replay, but overall I think MSU played a bit better tonight. I don’t know what the deal is with this team.  It seems they had everything going in– the right chemistry and leadership, plenty of talent, etc.,—but it’s just not working right now.  I heard some say that Michigan outplayed Miami last Friday (despite losing) before getting crushed Saturday.  They didn’t outplay the RedHawks in either game and State deserved to win tonight.  From my hockey novice eyes, it seems like Michigan never really gets rebound chances or their sticks on any pucks bouncing around the net.   The scores seem to come on bang-bang finesse plays and their opponents have kept them from getting good angles for shots.  On the other side, teams seem to be finding the loose pucks and…

  • Tropp Returns to Yost tonight

    To this day, the most read post on these pages remains the breakdown of the Conboy-Tropp-Kampfer mauling from January’s Michigan-Michigan State game. Spartan Andrew Conboy was kicked off the team and left school, opting to take his chances within the Canadiens organization.  It looks like he’s currently playing with the Hamilton Bulldogs. Corey Tropp was also kicked off the MSU team but earned his way back onto Rick Comley’s squad, and will return to Yost tonight. Wolverine Steve Kampfer is of course still skating for coach Berenson. Should be an interesting night tonight.  Here’s a look back, first at Red’s comments from January on the weekly coaches’ show at The Arena just after the incident: [display_podcast] And here are those stills that I took from Section 22: Conboy and Tropp zero in on Kampfer Conboy gives Kampfer the old clothesline from behind …and takes Kampfer down. Tropp cocks his stick, but actually pulls back a bit Then Tropp gets a look… …and then takes a swing.. …and connects. Michigan immediately dispatches the team doctor To Conboy’s credit, he appears to shove Corey Tropp with his right arm… ..and then pushes him away with his left

  • Don Canham’s Gift

    Prior to the Purdue game I sat in for a segment on WOMC’s Tailgate Show.  Just before I went on the air, host Lucy Ann Lance summoned over Peg Canham, widow of legendary Michigan athletic director Don Canham. Mrs. Canham was wearing a stunning necklace and it caught my eye.  Lance knew a bit about it and mentioned that it was a gift from the former AD, made from an old Wolverine football championship ring. I wanted to know a little more, so I connected with Mrs. Canham afterward and she was kind enough to send along a photo: I knew there was something very familiar about her necklace, and it didn’t take long to figure out why.  I’ve featured a few Michigan championship rings on eBay Watch over the years including this one from 1977: Along with the photo, Mrs. Canham was kind enough to share a few memories about the ring. “He surprised me with the necklace for Christmas shortly after we were married in 1995,” she told me.  “As I’m sure you can figure Don had a jewelry box full of rings but this one was always my favorite because it is the Michigan Stadium, and he knew it.” She also noted that in the famous photo of Don Canham at his desk (the same one you…

  • Power Index Week 4

    Ugh.  Michigan dips further but somewhat surprisingly not quite yet at rock bottom, but just barely.  At the top, the Buckeyes hold their filthy grips on the top slot with the impressive win over Penn State.  Sorry for the delay: Comments from the pollsters: Biggie – What a fantastic fall day to enjoy college football.  Gotta a chance to tailgate at the “Bronco Bus” with a bunch of my buddies that attended WMU.  Western was the elixir MSU needed after two straight heartbreakers.  With Larry Caper sitting out the game, Ashton Leggett came out of  nowhere to earn himself some time at RB.  AL runs hard; he reminds me of Jehuu Caulcrick.  Cousins continues to prove that he is the QB for State.  Huge game next week in West Lafayette if Sparty has any intentions of going bowling.    Schlimmy – Maybe I’m not going out on a limb to far here but I believe that Brian Kelly will be the next coach at Michigan, whether that is a month from now, a year from now or beyond it seems like a perfect fit, obviously he’s been very successful at every level and has some ties to Michigan (Grand Valley and CMU)  In saying that I believe Rich Rod will get a least next year to turn things around but it…

  • Shand v. Martin Case Tossed Out

     After numerous motions and delays, a judge has thrown out the case of former Michigan hockey player and coach, NHL’er, and WTKA 1050AM morning host Dave Shand against U-M athletic director Bill Martin. Shand claimed he was wrongfully terminated in April 2007 from WTKA at the order of Martin, who, they argued, pressured station brass to remove the outspoken host.   The gist of the complaint: 20. On April 19, 2007, Martin communicated both indirectly and directly with [WTKA station brass] Bolak and Cowen, and informed them that he would not allow WTKA to participate in a planned coverage of a UM charity golf event if they permitted plaintiff to broadcast it. 21. Martin further indicated that he wanted the station to fire the plaintiff, and stated that if they did not, he would no longer allow WTKA to carry University of Michigan football games. It appears as though Shand’s team was never able to present smoking gun evidence of Martin’s direct involvement in the firing.  Shand’s attorney Nick Roumel explained via email, “Some of our evidence was hearsay because we never actually had anyone who heard Martin himself make the statements we alleged he said.  We argued that the hearsay was nonetheless admissible under certain hearsay exceptions.” Roumel added, “I’m proud of Dave for standing up for his rights.” We…

  • Chicken Choked

    I sit across from the heart of the Yost student section and it wasn’t hard to make out one particular young mind on Friday night: the dude dressed as a chicken screaming into a megaphone.   Turns out that crazy chicken was Andy Reid, sports editor of the Daily.  He made an encore appearance Saturday night but things didn’t go as planned: Saturday night, I got kicked out. Not cool, dude. Amidst an entire student section doing the same thing [the vulgar C-YA chant], an usher grabbed my elbow and told me it was time to leave, unless I wanted to be led out of the stadium in handcuffs. I will admit that I stood out from the other Children of Yost. I may or may not have had a megaphone. And I may or may not have been, ahem, dressed up — if you went to the game, you might have seen a six-foot chicken standing against the glass in section 18. But that’s even more reason to not kick me out. How is the team supposed to focus and be motivated without a yellow, fuzzy chicken standing behind the glass? Reid suggests other things could be done to curb the nasty chant (which is delivered when opposing players are sent to the penalty box) including a message from Red…