• Michigan Stadium Renovation Tour – Photos

    [Ed 7/15/2010.  For Photos of the July 2010 Tour, click here] A great chance for the media to take a look at the new Michigan Stadium luxury suites and renovations.  We started with a brief presentation from in the Junge Family Center then toured both sides of the renovation. Bullets: Loved it.  First class layout of the suites and the view of the field is excellent. The suites were a little smaller than I figured but they are first class and really, there’s a lot of room.  Include a kitchenette, a “living” area with chairs, and the seating is top notch.  And you can open the windows of the suite for air, ambiance or to hurl toilet paper like in the 70s. If I heard it correctly, 70% percent of the suites are “sold” (I think that means they have committed deposits) along with 70% of the club seating.  Not bad considering it’s more than a year out and I image it’s hard for a lot of companies to commit to something beyond the current fiscal year.   We’ll see how things go over the next year. You might think that suite owners will surrender their existing season tickets because, duh, they’ll be in the suites.  I asked this question during the tour and the initial response was that many suite…

  • University of Michigan Switches to Coke?

    An interesting discovery during this evening’s media tour of the Michigan Stadium renovation project: the appearance Coca-Cola refrigerators and dispensers on the main concourse. And if I read the fountain logos correctly, the stadium will also feature Coke Zero from the fountain which is big.  It’s one of those issues that divides America but in my experience Coke drinkers seem to be more passionate about their brand. Michigan’s had a contract with Pepsi for quite a while now and it looks like those days are done.  How new is the change?  Not sure, but they haven’t tweaked the concessions price board on the concourse quite yet: Will they be swapped out for the opener?  We’ll see. More on the stadium renovation tour HERE.

  • aMaize’n Blue Magazine (1982)

    Above, check out aMaize’n Blue Magazine, “The Magazine devoted to University of Michigan Athletics.”  The cover features Anthony Carter making a cut upfield and a story remembering Bob Ufer who passed away in 1981. First from the comments, reader ‘98xjwolverine’: aMaizen Blue magazine was created by Larry Paladino, and was the spiritual predecessor to The Wolverine magazine, covering all Michigan varsity sports. There were monthly issues, plus weekly newsletters during football season. Originally launched as GoBlue (or MGoBlue) magazine in January 1979, it changed to aMaizen Blue in Sep 1982 (thus the “inaugural” cover). Unfortunately, after changing publishers at least once, the magazine folded in Winter 1984. Subscribers were not reimbursed for issues due, as I recall sending some letters trying to get my money back. Thanks 98, appreciate that.    Also, from writer John Kryk, author of the book that’s required reading for Michigan and Notre Dame fans, Natural Enemies.  Kryk memory echoed that of 98xjwolveine, and added this detail on the weekly newsletter including an example: …during the football season you’d get weekly game reports in newsletter form — just four pages on thick white stock (i,e, one long piece of thick paper, folded in half to get four ‘pages’). [Attached] the four-page newsletter after the heartbreaking 1980 loss at Notre Dame. Here’s one of the pages of the…

  • Post-post Gems

    A notable reactions to recent posts on this site of note.  What Is Maize?  First, on a quick post about the new All in for Michigan towels, in the photo of Rodriguez holding the terrible towel I wrote this: While the range on the shade of navy blue on U-M gear is fairly tight, you do get quite a wide spectrum of maize.  This photo of Rodriguez is a great example.  The towel is closer to the gold, kind of older school, his shirt looks like a highlighter and the hat is somewhere in between.   Can we get a standard and stick with it? I realize such a standard was probably a stretch, given the 100s? of companies that manufacture U-M stuff.  Anyway, reader Zach added a pretty interesting comment with this link.  Turns out author Liene Karels actually looked into this topic for Michigan Today, digging back through time seeking some clarity on the standard. An excerpt, describing the goals of a committee assembled in 1912: The charge was to "determine the exact shades of maize and azure blue which would be suitable for the official colors of the University and embody them in some lasting form." Lombard’s committee searched out early diploma ribbons, dance cards from the 1890s and programs from various events, assembling an array of rich…

  • Angelique and Stoney – Reunited on WJR (audio)

    The Detroit News’ Angelique Chengelis joined Mike ‘Stoney’ Stone while he was guest hosting for Mitch Albom on WJR this evening.  It created a (..I promised myself I wouldn’t cry..) nostalgic reunion of the iconic Detroit drive-time radio segment on the old Stoney and Wojo show on WDFN 1130AM. First, your audio: [display_podcast] Stoney likes the Broncos plus the 12 or so points (me too). Angelique wasn’t shocked that Rodriguez mentioned the possibility of playing three quarterbacks because she hasn’t seen anyone separate either. In a weird way, Angelique agrees with Rodriguez’s decision to give them a shot.  She thinks Denard will come on in a package with Forcier. They talked about public sentiment, which they correctly noted is overwhelmingly in favor of playing the freshman. Co-host Ken suggested Nick Sheridan is a bit like Joey Harrington (after the fall), where no matter what he does he can’t win. Angelique walked around her house last night without shoelaces tied a la Denard to try it out with no luck.  Apparently Robinson ran track without laces on either. Chengelis went on about how Robinson reminds her of Desmond Howard. She talked about the chemistry among the coaches with Greg Robinson on board that wasn’t around last year under Shafer. Angelique doesn’t see Michigan challenging Ohio State until the Buckeyes’ visit in…

  • Rich Rodriguez audio on the Three Quarterback system

    I’ve been cautiously called ‘not a liar’ on mgoblog for putting forth the Rodriguez quote on the three quarterback system yesterday, which is a bit like being called notsomuch of an a-hole.  For the record, here’s the audio snippet. [display_podcast] Seriously, I see both sides here in the perception.  I mean it’s a couple weeks out and Rodriguez clearly told the media he wouldn’t divulge the starter even if he had one (at this point).   I think Ladies Love Cool Larry (Lage) and others were justified in running with this because he answered that question so definitively and dudes, come on, the idea of seeing a three quarterback rotation would make anyone’s head do a Linda Blair.   After the Rodriguez said it I glanced over at friend-of-blog and author Craig Ross looking something like this (except I look more like Tom Cruise). Did some folks run with this a little hard?  Probably.  I checked my Twitter during the press conference just to see what everyone was doing and Angelique tweeted this “Rich Rodriguez just said he will play all three QBs in the season opener.”  I remember thinking that was a little extreme. Did RR eave plenty of outs?  Sure.   Was it media day and did he give the media some sweet chum to feast upon?  You betcha.   Are TimVB…

  • Rich Rodriguez joins Larry Lage (WTKA audio)

    Props to AP beat writer Larry Larry and Ira Weintraub for landing Rich Rodriguez for a segment this morning on WTKA 1050AM.   (Sam Webb is out on vacation). In the aftermath of Media Day, the guys discussed a few items with coach, from the fan day turnout, the quarterback position of course, they got into a little bit on Denard Robinson’s habit of not tying his shoelaces.   Rich Rod marveled how they don’t come off.  I’ll join him on that: They also went in on the comparisons to Pat White (with Denard), on the general philosophy of competition at each position, on Rodriguez’s “campaign” to scrimmage or at least practice against other schools in the preseason, on the general state of U-M recruiting and finally on the schedule for this week (they start preparation for Western tomorrow). Here’s the audio: [display_podcast] Related: Media Day: Chicken Scratch Media Day: Rodriguez on the Quarterback position Media Day: Greg Robinson on the Field Level Advantage Media/Fan Day: Photo Gallery Media Day: The Stadium Renovation (Photos) Follow MVictors on Twitter

  • Media Day: Chicken Scratch

    AnnArbor.com has posted some nice coverage of Media Day, including mucho multi-media.  Melanie Maxwell put a little behind the scenes video package together, including this shot of a certain reporter’s notebook: Who knew Wojo could read and write Urdu?  Speaking of random notes, Rich Rodriguez confirmed that Michigan will continue the honorary captain program, where they bring in three or so former players who spend the morning with the team and serve as…honorary captains.   Rodriguez told me they’ve come up with a list a potential honorary captains but wouldn’t divulge any of the names until they verify that they can make it to the games.