• Feagin’s Admission

    Just kids having fun, right? I made it through the police report and it’s pretty sad.  One thing that struck me: when the police plucked Justin Feagin from Schembechler Hall on July 23rd and hauled him to the station, the cops told the sophomore he could leave any time, “did not have to speak” and that he wouldn’t be arrested (at least not then).  Despite this, he went ahead and apparently told them everything.   I’m not sure whether he knew this was the end of the line or just didn’t understand the gravity of what he was admitting.  Whatever it was, he might have saved Michigan a lot a hassle by coming clean.  Once Rodriguez learned what was said he no doubt summoned Jon Falk to clean out Feagin’s locker. Feagin claims he was doing another student a solid—trying to help him out of financial trouble by getting him some coke to resell.   Dude, how about collecting some pop cans?  But enough on Feagin who’s obviously got some stuff to work out, I assume will have some legal battles ahead and blew the opportunity at a first class education.  Sad stuff for a young guy. Beyond the obvious misread on Feagin’s character by those who brought him to Ann Arbor, here’s hoping that this incident inspires a little more self-policing…

  • On Andy Evans’ Departure from WTKA

    As mentioned on these pages earlier, Michigan insider co-host Andy Evans is leaving the WTKA 1050AM morning show and moving away from the radio business. He wasn’t the most popular personality on the station.  I know many folks who didn’t think much of the 9-10am slot often anchored solo by Evans and it definitely wasn’t the same caliber show sans Sam Webb. This said, I think Evans was getting better and did some commendable things while at WTKA: * Web services/podcasts.  I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure Evans was instrumental in getting WTKA to post podcasts on a regular basis.  If he wasn’t the driving force, I believe he made a lot of this happen at least in the beginning.  And despite the occasional jab at blogs Evans mentioned this site a couple times on air and even posted a link to MVictors on WTKA.com.  Very appreciated. * Countdown.  Evans did a wonderful job orchestrating the Countdown to Kick-off show inside the Bud Light Victors lounge.  I watched him first hand facilitate this event at it’s no trivial task, with so many guests and experts popping in and out not to mention having to perform over the din of the beer-soaked masses under that tent.  Here’s Evans in action, the tall gent third from the right: * Red…

  • Andy Evans to leave WTKA 1050AM

    Announced this morning at around 8AM, WTKA Michigan Insider morning show co-host Andy Evans is hanging up the microphone and moving on.  Sam Webb will remain and indicated they will be looking for a new co-host for the Ann Arbor-based morning show.  Evans typically kicked-off the talk show each morning, then flew solo on the 9-10AM slot.  More later.

  • Michigan Ticket Stub Box

    Someone grifted one of those boxes you’ve seen at games that used to collect ticket stubs.  I’m not sure if they still have these around; I know they’ve gone with scanners at least at the big events.  You can buy it now for $400 (right!) or bid away. Sure, it’s not exactly like selling a goalpost but it’s still University property.  Perhaps U-M got rid of these after moving to the scanners and it was scooped up by an opportunistic fellow.   Either way, the seller doesn’t really care, even suggesting even M’s biggest rivals join in on the bidding. From the auction description: I would think that the Ohio State fan or Michigan State fan could fine alternative uses for it as well. I’m sure they could. The auction ends August 16th.

  • From the Basement to the Bentley

    Kinney, Weidenbach and Madej viewing a preserved 19th century photo from the Michigan baseball collection at the U-M Bentley Library. Sifting through one of the many boxes that hold the athletic department archives at the University of Michigan’s Bentley Historical Library you get a sense of the remarkable asset that is housed within the library walls.  You can’t help but be moved after viewing a note written by legendary coach Fielding Yost, or holding a coaching contract signed by baseball pioneer Branch Rickey.  This is a special place. Did you know that the meticulously organized archives of photos, letters, journals and films weren’t always delicately preserved within this campus institution?  In fact, just a few decades ago the collection resembled something of a mess with portions of it at risk of being lost forever. The Basement One of Bruce Madej’s duties when hired as sports information director by then athletic director Don Canham in 1982 was to manage the history of the U-M athletic department.  Looking back at the situation today, Madej admits, “I’d be the last person I’d put in charge of the history of the athletic department.” One of Madej’s immediate concerns was the preservation of the program’s scattered historical materials.  “Everything was stored in a basement at that time and we had floods down there,” Madej remembers.   “That…

  • Larry Lage on WTKA (audio)

    Michigan AP writer Larry Lage joined Ben Holden on the Big Show this afternoon.  As the guy that covers all the major sporting events held in the area, Lage always shares some interesting takes.   I picked up the audio midway through: He discussed the fates of fellow Spartans Charles Rogers and Plaxico Burress.   Lage knew these gents pretty well from his days at the State News. Lage commented on Rich Rodriguez’s desire to improve the atmosphere in Michigan Stadium. He just finished a feature on Lions coach, who definitely is an interesting cat.  I met him earlier this year and he scared the bejesus out of me.   I’m less scared after seeing the photo Lage used in the piece: Interesting, Lage is “not buying” that Michigan scheduled UConn in 2010 for sure, he’s waiting for official word from Michigan (he added a nice jab at the journalism standards of Rivals.com).  He’s a local guy and well-connected obviously, could there be some question whether this is actually happening? Here’s the audio: [display_podcast] .

  • Shorty Longman’s Ruse (1909)

    Check out this news clipping from the November 6, 1909 Detroit Free Press.  Astute Notre Dame fans should cherish this date: it marks the first win by the Irish over Michigan, the team that taught the Irish how to play football in the late 1880s.

  • Junkyard Wolverine

    Check out what Phil Callihan at umgoblog.com noted has been found in a junkyard in suburban Detroit: It’s winged ice cream truck emblazoned with autographs from a bunch of Michigan legends.  Even if the thing couldn’t run it had to be worth something.  How did it end up in the junkyard?  More photos here. HT: Michigan Sports Center