• Cold War II

    Michigan State signed on today to participate in the hockey game to be held December 11, 2010 in Ann Arbor. This of course will be a blast. Memo to Marty Bodnar: Reward your loyal hockey season ticket holders with choice seats–that shouldn’t be a big burden. Somewhere up in Michigan football’s Valhalla, Don Canham and Fielding Yost are smiling.

  • Queer as in Curious

    Check out Jim Carty’s blog Paper Tiger No More this morning for a real gem.   JC received his share of nice emails (and the occasional call if you recall our interview) when he was a columnist for the Ann Arbor News.  Of course most of that was friendly (at least local) fire from Wolverine fans. Well, although Carty has hung ’em up at the News for quite a while now apparently he still gets the love.   Today he posts an absolute beauty of an email he recently received, blasting him for his sweet 2002 ‘Green Giant’ column (predicting Tommy Amaker’s rise).   Jim openly admits how horrible the column was and of course Carty later became one of Amaker’s harshest critics, to the point where he was advised by News brass to tone it down. The email from reader Ben starts off with “Hey Queer,” and rocks out from there.  Don’t mess with a blogger, man!

  • Get to Know Red Simmons

    Back when Rich Rodriguez was first hired a little over a year ago (man, it seems longer than that, doesn’t it?), many folks were asking how he might get up to speed on Michigan’s traditions. In his press conference he told us he got a copy of Bo’s book (assume that was JUB’s Lasting Lessons). I suggested a few additional items in a post titled ‘Michigan Tradition 101: Study Guide for Coach Rodriguez‘. One of the items on the list was this: If that didn’t convince you (or RichRod) that sitting with Red was a worthy endeavor, check out this profile on Simmons from Jo-Ann Barnas in the Free Press from earlier this week.    You’ll get the idea.  An excerpt: In 1932, Simmons competed in the U.S. Olympic trials in track. He also ran in track meets in summer AAU meets. Often the field included [Jessie] Owens. Simmons said he never beat him.  The two weren’t strangers that historic day in 1935 at Ferry Field. Owens, then a star at Ohio State University, broke three world records and tied another in a two-hour span — considered one of the greatest one-day sports achievements in history. Simmons was asked to work the event. At the time, he was a Detroit police officer — and the department’s star athlete in field-day…

  • MVictors hits the Big Show (WTKA audio)

    What a pleasure it was to sit with great Michigan author and historian John U. Bacon this evening on WTKA’s ‘Big Show’. If you missed it, here’s all three segments for you. I sat in for the full hour in the 5pm slot. A quick summary: Segment 1: 1980, 1909, 1934 oh my – Starts about 1 minute in. I offer a little background on the eBay Watch series, about the coach Bill McCartney ring drama and about the Joy Miller scandal after the season of 1909 and the posts I did on Norm Daniel’s 1931 jersey, and finally on the incredible tale of 1934’s Willis Ward incident. Segment 2: More History, and some of the Michigan ‘myths’ – (There’s a little dead air in the first few seconds) We talk a little more about the 1909 season (there’s much more, hopefully you see it in Hail to the Victors 2009), about chorus of The Victors being “borrowed” from Louis Elbel’s roommate, and the Those Who Stay will be Champions appearing years before Bo arrived, and finally, on the video I took of the Corey Tropp/Steve Kampfer incident. Segment 3: Bonus Time – I stuck around after my official segments to join JUB’s famous “winners and losers” segment and talked about seeing Mr. Hockey Gordie Howe this weekend (my winner),…

  • Big Show tonight

    Hey, I’ll be on Ann Arbor’s 1050AM WTKA with John U. Bacon this evening on his prolific‘Big Show’. We’ll be talking about a bunch of interesting stuff no doubt. Hopefully it won’t turn into a sports nerd version of Antiques Roadshow. I’m hoping they’ll have one of those pre-produced intros for me from the guy that sounds like Duff Man. Before the gig I’m going to try to sell station management on changing the name of the Victors Lounge to the MVictors Lounge for the Delaware State game next fall. Wish me luck. I believe on I’ll be on in the 5 o’clock slot so dig it.

  • Blue Icers Roll on Senior Night (and Howe)

    Gordie Howe and Mark Mitera Another fine, at times scrappy, night up at old Yost as Michigan closed out the regular season by dominating Ferris State 4-0. The presence by Mr. Hockey would have any night a special one, but the fans were also treated to the home return of captain Mark Mitera (who tallied a nice goal) and well earned shut-out by senior Billy Sauer. A few notes: Seniors Travis Turnbull and Tim Miller were tossed out of the game for their involvement in a heated scuffle at the conclusion of the second period.   A double pisser for them as not only were they sent packing in their final regular season game at Yost, they couldn’t literally hit the showers because they needed to skate out after the game as part of the Senior Day festivities.   In my mind’s eye I picture the two of them making tape balls and snapping wristers around the lockerroom as they waited for the third period to expire.  Update: Here’s a short video of the end of the incident. Billy Sauer didn’t see a lot of shots, but he had to make at least three very nice saves to preserve the shut-out, including a wide open breakaway (and rebound) for the Bulldogs. Before the season I sold a few of my games, including…

  • Fresh & Peedi Foil Boilers 87-78

    They had to have it and they got it.  Manny ‘Fresh’ Harris and DeShawn ‘Peedi’ Sims carried the load (and then some) in this one, as the huge win over Purdue moves M to .500 in the Big Ten with two to play.    Michigan built a big lead in the second half and at one point it looked like it might get out of hand.   Poor decisions with the ball coupled with atrocious free throw shooting in the clutch put the outcome in question with a couple minutes to go, but in the end Purdue was in too deep of a hole.  Great win for the Blue on senior night. A couple sights and sounds: The alumni pep band played O Canada prior to the national anthem in honor of senior forward Jevohn Shepherd. Former WDFN radio drive-time host Mike ‘Stoney’ Stone was on hand.  When asked when he’ll be back on the air, Stone shook his head and asked, “Who knows?”.  That’s journalism, baby…compelling and rich.   Stoney’s old partner Bob ‘Wojo’ Wojnowski was on the press table as well. Times are tight, man.   They did a t-shirt toss in the second half and I swear there was maybe one t-shirt per cheerleader fired into the crowd.  It lasted about 25 seconds. Rich Rodriguez was on hand along with…