• Wrapping Up: The A2 Adopt-A-Family program

    I swung by the gift wrapping for the Ann Arbor Adopt-A-Family program tonight at the UM Golf Course and met Debbie Williams-Hoak and a few of the volunteers. This wonderful group collects gifts for needy families in the area. Debbie confirmed they are helping out 68 families this year, a record, and start visiting homes soon. You wouldn’t believe all the gifts and donations they received if you saw it, so…see it: A small portion of the gifts purchased by donors in the area Volunteers wrapping up gifts for families Dawn King of the Ann Arbor Police Dept. (left) with founder Debbie Williams-Hoak Earlier today this site received a very nice note from someone directly helped out by Debbie Williams-Hoak and the folks running the program this season. Thought I’d pass it along: Relief and Hope! This is what I felt when I received a phone call from former pro golfer, Debbie Williams and AAPD Dawn King, informing me that my two children were being adopted for Christmas. Initially I wanted to decline such a gift as there are so many families that probably face an even greater financial burden this season. Dawn quickly reminded me of the gift of acceptance and after talking with her for almost an hour; I humbly accepted the amazing gift of adoption of my…

  • Scuttlebutt no more: Shafer departs

    News tonight that Scott Shafer has resigned as defensive coordinator. I’m a little surprised despite the heavy scuttlebutt that was abound in the last few weeks. mgoblog put out a brain dump on potential candidates tonight including Notre Dame’s current defensive coordinator and Michigan man Corwin ‘Cornflakes’ Brown. I just don’t see what Cornflakes has done this season to earn the shot at this gig. My two run-ins with Shafer this season. First, I interviewed him at the Spring Game while covering the event for a local paper. Seemed like a great guy and he was all business. The next was after the Utah game. It wasn’t a run in as much as it was a drive by. I kind of felt bad after posting this as it made some rounds around the blogosphere but oh well. He was hunched over the railing at the bottom of the press box waiting to get down to the field. As I said at the time, it looked like someone shot his dog: That probably wasn’t far off. Check out the quote from Angelique tonight: “Bottom line is, I take full responsibility for the demise of the Michigan program,” Shafer, 41, said by phone Tuesday afternoon. “I accept all the responsibility.” Wow. A little sarcasm on the way out? Not sure but let’s…

  • Michigan Baseball team Visits Japan (1932)

    A unique, well-traveled piece of Michigan athletics memorabilia showed up on eBay this week. It’s described to be a ticket stub from a game between Michigan baseball and a university team from Tokyo, played in Japan in 1932. At first glance, I laughed thinking there was no way a college team traveled to Japan during the throes of the Great Depression to play baseball. And the auction description didn’t help sell it for me: 1932 Michigan University vs Meiji University tour ticket stub from game 1 played at Jingu Stadium in Tokyo. From an excellent summary published in Michigan Today in 1998, it all started with Japanese teams doing a college tour in the US years earlier, with many of the stops in Ann Arbor from 1911 to 1925. Then in 1929, Michigan coach Ray Fisher got an invite from the Meiji University inviting the maize and blue to visit Japan as “ambassadors of goodwill”. Fielding Yost and the board of athletics approved the trip and so they headed west, then more west, until they reached the Far East in 1929: After playing several games on the West Coast and one in Hawaii, the Wolverines arrived in Japan for a 30-day visit. Lodged at the Imperial Hotel, the 14 team members and Coach Fisher and his family were received lavishly…

  • More Cowbell, Coach!

    With Coach Beilein out with an inner ear infection, fortunately a few other coaches filled the void at the Eastern Michigan hoops game this afternoon: Wife Laurie trying to help Coach Carr out with the rhythm on the cowbell. Coach Rodriguez takes a break from the recruiting trail BTN in HD was not designed for Coach Keady Related: – Game Recap from UM Hoops

  • For Good Measure: 1997 Nebraska Cornhusker Ring

    Days after I noted that the 1997 Michigan national championship ring was offered on eBay for $3,600 but yielded no takers, lookie here. A seller has countered with a 1997 Nebraska “national championship” ring asking for $2,500 or best offer. I think that settles the debate over this once and for all. (Well, not really, but I think this is about as relevant as pointing out the hypothetical Vegas line on a hypothetical game between Michigan and Nebraska). Anyway, here’s what the Cornhusker version looks like, note the likeness of Coach Tom Osborne on the side: The seller claims this version is authentic and was originally owned by one of the coaches. Here’s the full auction.

  • Leachapalooza: The Best of Rick Leach (WTKA 12/9)

    I waded through the audio of Rick Leach in studio at WTKA 1050AM this week and boiled it down to a eleven noteworthy clips, each about a minute, give or take. You can download all the clips here for your 2009 road trip and tailgate mixtapes. Here you go. Be patient, the clips need to download for you to hear them. Oh, and is it me, or does Leach have a borderline WWE voice? On the Les Miles hire and some of the “garbage” that went on: When Don Nehlen called Leach and what that meant to him: Contrasting Michael Rosenberg’s perspective, on how Bo would support Rodriguez: Click here for the rest of the clips: