• Almost Most Obnoxious

    Michigan fans, #2 most obnoxious on Fox Sports’ list covering all of college football. Their reasoning for the second slot: What can you say about a fan base that thinks a loss should be rewarded? Never mind their incessant complaining after dropping (gasp!) in the rankings after losing to No. 1 Ohio State in 2006, they actually think the rest of the country cares about their rivalry with the Buckeyes. Maybe if the game actually determined a legit BCS title contender, we would. But without a doubt, Michigan fans are the whiniest fans in college football. Do we have to go through this again? I think Michigan fans dropped that right after the Rose Bowl, but ok. So that’d leave the Buckeye fans #1 most annoying of course, right? Wrong, the Buck mob slid in at #7 somehow with Notre Dame fans topping the list. Maybe I need to understand what they mean by obnoxious but in general I like Notre Dame fans. One thing I can’t stand about Irish fans, the oft-uttered notion that “a good Notre Dame team is good for college football”, as if CFB has been suffering over the past 20 years and requires a savior (memo to ND fans, it’s you that needs salvation). Maybe college football on the whole is more interesting on some…

  • (Don’t) Need 2!

    Update: I got ’em – thanks Brendan and K’s!! Do you have or know someone with two tickets for South Bend? Don’t want to sell them to a Domer? I could use a pair (so to speak). Other than suitable compensation I can offer a great deal of karma for you. Contact me here with details.

  • Rosenberg in studio, WDFN (audio – 3 parts)

    Detroit Free Press sports columnist Michael Rosenberg was in studio with Stoney and Wojo promoting his first book, War as They Knew It: Woody Hayes, Bo Schembechler, and America in a time of unrest, which will be released September 10. He also talked about Rich Rod and even fielded a few questions from callers. If all this sounds familiar, that’s right! Somebody all ready did all of that (MVictors interview Part I, Part II). But now you can listen. I’m not sure Sith Lord Rosenberg has made many if any appearances on the radio and as he notes, is probably the only the area Detroit writer that doesn’t have a radio gig of some sort. Here’s the interview in three parts, if you are having trouble go directly to the WDFN podcast page here. [display_podcast] I’m glad to say I’m not so much of a nerd that I knew for sure how to spell “Sith”, so I guessed via a Google search. In doing the search I discovered there’s a Wookieapedia, a Wikipedia honed in for Star Wars geeks. It has nearly 60,000 entries. Rosenberg will be promoting the book Wednesday at 7pm, Borders on Liberty in Ann Arbor.

  • Carty WTKA, Angel WDFN (audio)

    Looking back at Miami, OH, looking ahead to the big one in South Bend this weekend. Here’s beat writer a rama…Jim Carty of the Ann Arbor News dialing into WTKA Monday, and Detroit News beat writer Angelique Chengelis: [display_podcast]

  • Power Index: Week 2

    Michigan bounced around once again this week, although only gained a spot in Index. Notre Dame continues to drop – from 6th in the preseason, to 7th in Week 1, to the current 9th slot. Spartans are holding steady rating-wise, but creeping up Schlimmy the Buckeye: “Great week for the Big 10 going undefeated, but Ohio State sleepwalking for 3 quarters doesn’t bode well for them heading into their titanic clash vs. USC.” Gilliam the Badger “Can’t say much about the rest of the Big Ten, but the Badgers have a Heisman candidate in P.J. Hill, and he’s possibly the third best running back on the team. Zach Brown has an NFL burst, and John Clay looks like a more athletic version of Ron Dayne. They won’t make it to a BCS bowl, though, with this defense. Really need Aaron Henry and Jonathan Casillas back from injury on the D side. Getting Travis Beckum back at TE will be important for next week’s game at Fresno State.” Lew, the Hoosier, Wolverine and Gutierrez backer “Penn State’s offense looks very impressive – maybe Oregon State will turn out to be the worst team. I expect Ohio State to get crushed by USC this weekend, but I’m not sure they’ll drop too much in the index given the competition (in the Index).…

  • Blue Books: The Yost-Rockne Feud

    A new feature on MVictors, periodically I’ll take a look at a passage from one of the great books written on Michigan athletics. This week we’ll go to the absolute definitive tome on the Michigan-Notre Dame Rivarly, John Kryk’s Natural Enemies. There are several anecdotes of interest in the book, some I’ve mentioned on these pages before, and I’ll revisit some of these in the future. But for today, here’s are a few selections from Chapter 4 ‘Yost vs. Rockne: 1918:31’. [Note: These are selections from through the chapter, just trying to highlight the feud:] In a nutshell, here’s what each came to think of each other from 1923 to 1931. Rockne, then in his late 30s to early 40s, saw in Yost a “hill-billy” who was forever grinding the religious ax against Notre Dame, who was as crooked as a dog’s hind leg, who was selfish and vain beyond comprehension, who was blindly jealous of Rockne’s own success and ascension to national stardom, and who coached boring, neanderthal football. Yost, then in his mid to late 50s, saw in Rockne a coach who feared the regulatory confinement of a conference, who ran a renegade football factory at Notre Dame, who sought unfair advantages over his opponents, and who continually and deliberately broke football rules with his controversial offense. Kryk…

  • Never bet with a double jointed fish

    You may have caught this during halftime of the Notre Dame vs. San Diego State game. Apparantly Braylon Edwards ran into Michael Phelps this summer as they were working out in Ann Arbor. Phelps was working out at Canham; Braylon with Barwis Here’s Braylon on WDFN (bottom of post) talking about working out with Barwis; he didn’t mention Phelps. Here’s the specifics from Peter King’s piece in Sports Illustrated: MARCH 17 ANN ARBOR, MICH. OVER A St. Patrick’s Day lunch at the Brown Jug, a University of Michigan campus hangout, Braylon Edwards, the former Wolverine, picked the brain of one of his off-season workout buddies: current Wolverine Michael Phelps. Swimming, Phelps told him, is the ultimate cardio workout. A light went on over Edwards’s head: You can’t sprain an ankle in the pool. You can’t wear down your joints. Edwards quizzed Phelps on setting up a workout. “This is what I’ll do to stay in shape between minicamp in June and training camp in July,” Edwards said. — —————– JUNE 26 ANN ARBOR, MICH. THANK YOU, Michael Phelps. In the second week of his pool workouts at Michigan, Edwards alternated track drills in the water—high-knee, hurdler motion mostly—with swimming laps. One day track, the next day freestyle; one day track, the next day breaststroke; one day track, the next day…