• M Practice Facility Construction Photos

    There’s many changes going on around the athletic campus, with much of the focus for obvious reasons on the Michigan Stadium renovation. MLive.com‘s doing a nice job of publishing frequent updates on the project, here a nice photo from last week: Just down the road another major project is going on that hasn’t got much attention: the new football practice facility. Those in Ann Arbor know of this because you can’t miss it. The frame of the enormous structure, which is built on the site of the old outdoor practice field and the varsity soccer pitch, now dominates the skyline along State Street and it towers over Schembechler Hall. For those out of town I thought you might enjoy of few shots, click to see enlarge: Here’s a few details on the $26.1 million project from mgoblue.com: The new football facility, approximately 104,000 gross square feet to be built on an existing outdoor practice field, is expected to include a full-size football field, lobby, restrooms and storage space. Approximately 3,000 gross square feet of space in Schembechler Hall will be renovated as part of the project. Whoa! That’s a lot of gross square feet (I think). I don’t think the soccer pitch was a big loss. I used to occasionally walk by that thing after football games and always felt…

  • A little thing called Style

    As part of their NBA draft coverage, SI.com took a look back at some of the highlights and lowlights of draftee fashion. Unquestionably the freshest, Jalen in 1994 in his candy stripes: SI also signaled out Maurice Taylor’s icey blue suit in 1997.

  • Did Dumars fall for DJ White in Ann Arbor?

    When I spotted Detroit Pistons GM Joe Dumars at the Indiana game in Ann Arbor this season I figured he was checking out the ridiculous Eric Gordon..this guy: He probably was, but it looks like someone else in the Crimson and Cream impressed Joe D as he sat courtside: Yep, Dumars ended up selecting Hoosier forward D.J. White last night in the NBA draft and it was that night that probably sold him. In just 31 minutes of action, White tallied the first 20-20 night for an IU player in a decade, racking up 21 points and 22 rebounds right in front of Dumars. UPDATE: As noted in the comment, Dumars didn’t fall too far in love, as he traded him away!

  • Ypsitucky Pride

    As we approach kick-off against Utah on August 30th, the great M blog Maize & Brew is counting down the 100 reasons why Ann Arbor is cool. I don’t know if ‘Political Correctness’ would qualify, but here’s a good example of the beauties in this town. It started with Zingerman’s Deli hosting what was purportedly referred to as an “Ypsitucky Supper“, although there’s some dispute over at Zingerman’s HQ over whether they authorized the name. The dinner was intended to be a tribute to the folks that migrated to Michigan from the south to work on the auto assembly line, centering around the work of author Harriet Arnow whose book “The Dollmaker,” (which later became a move) involved this area and Ypsituckians. All this said, the term “Ypsitucky” is probably most often used these days to poke fun despite the wishes of some of the area elite. Upon getting word on the name of the event, Ypsitucky mayor called it “a pejorative term” and councilwoman Lois Richardson said it is “derogatory.” A string of apologies and denials by Zingerman’s brass followed, and people all over the area took up arms. Enter Ann Arborite David Collins, who flipped things around a bit, expressing his disdain for those that would jump to the conclusion that the term is derogatory. In his letter…

  • PGA Tour without Tiger Woods

    This photo pretty much summarizes the Tour without TW. It’s John Daly at the Buick Open here in Grand Blanc, Michigan. JD is smacking a tee shot off of a full can of beer, placed there by his playing partner: Kid Rock…. They also had a bearded lady in one of the corporate tents. Elsewhere at the pro-am, Detroit Lions QB Jon Kitna was toting around a Buckeye golf bag. Apparently he’s got a standing bet with his good buddy- if OSU wins the Big Game, Kitna carries the bag. I’m unclear on the consequences if Michigan prevails as I’m not sure it’s happened since they started this thing.

  • Biggie Munn's stuff

    I'm not sure what I'd do if someone started selling the personal effects of legendary Michigan coaches Fielding Yost or Fritz Crisler. Perhaps my head would explode. I stumbled upon someone selling a few items that were previously owned by arguably the greatest Michigan State football coach of all-time: Biggie Munn.

  • MZone, Carlin go out Together

    A tough day for the M nerdosphere as we’ve learned of the passing of legendary comic George Carlin and the A-list Michigan blog, The Michigan Zone. Like Carlin, the M-Zone: * Has been around the block, started in 2005. That’s seven decades in blog years. * Like to use the seven words you can’t use on television. * Leaned heavily left * Grew a little angrier in its later years * Was hated by Buckeye fans that didn’t get the jokes * Will be missed by legions of fans