• Michigan Outdoors Man

    It’s always great to catch up with former Michigan players. I recently chatted with Captain Michael Tilmann II, defensive back for Coach Moeller from 1991-1993. While his playing career was hampered by two knee surgeries, he went on to found Tilmann Outfitters, a premium vacation and fishing charter service out of beautiful Manistee, Michigan. He’s highly regarded in fishing circles and has hosted several shows on The Outdoor Channel. He was kind enough to speak with me: What are some of your best memories of your playing days? Tilmann: You mean the best memories that I can share?! It’d have to be having Bo come to speak to us before big games such as the Rose Bowls, Notre Dame, and of course against Ohio State. The respect he commanded when he walked into the full team meeting room was unmatched! As far as the games, the highlights were the ’92 and ’93 Rose Bowls, each against Washington. We lost the first with Elvis but won the second with Todd Collins. Here’s a photo from Pasadena on the sideline with Bo: Have you always wanted to be a fisherman?Tilmann: Yes, I’ve always loved to fish and this has been a lifelong dream of mine. That said, I’m proud to say I received my BS in Education. I am a teacher first…

  • Huge Show Interview with Rich Rodriguez (full audio)

    Bill ‘Huge’ Simonson interviewed Coach Rod today on his Huge Show, aired throughout Michigan and on 1050AM WTKA in Ann Arbor. The show host mentioned the interview would be available on their website tonight. What’s the hold up? Here’s the full audio of the interview: [display_podcast] Simonson has been going off on Ann Arbor News columnist Jim Carty all day for his recent column where Carty suggested that Rodriguez should apologize to WVU and pay the $4M. He’s dedicated the entire show to this topic, repeatedly calling Carty and his columns “garbage”. UPDATE 1/18: Jim Carty fires back at Huge on WTKA this morning, I’m looking for audio. Also Carty’s latest column reiterates his take that Rodriguez should apologize. Here were a few of my notes from the Huge/RR interview as it happened: [The papers were removed] “in the middle of the day.” “I threw out some old game plans…Notes that I took…Some we ripped up, some we shredded” “The innuendo was crazy” “If there was any pertinent information it was left there.” “Why would I try to hide anything? I would never do that.” “I never said I would NEVER leave. It was never my intent to leave. I was right in the middle of remodeling my house.” “I did not call a single Michigan recruit until after I…

  • Shredding Incident writer on Valenti & Foster (audio)

    From WXYT, here’s audio of Charleston Gazette writer Dave Hickman, the guy who broke the story on the Rich Rod shreadding incident. Here says his sources “are very highly placed (within the University)”, and says that there’s “no question that documents were destroyed”. [display_podcast] Here’s the Free Press reaction to the interview.

  • Tribute to Carr from Lasting Lessons author

    John Bacon, author of Bo’s Lasting Lessons, submitted a piece on Coach Carr to the current Michigan Today alumni magazine. Non-dues paying alums and non-alums alike might not see this otherwise. Here’s the link. It’s pretty much fluff but I like the way Bacon wraps it up: I teach a class at Michigan on the history of college athletics, and invited Carr to speak. Last year, just three days after Bo passed away and two days after the Ohio State game, Carr asked, “Do you still need a guest lecturer?” When I introduced him, all 75 students cheered, and he regaled them for the entire hour with stories about Bo, his own career and the importance of doing what you love and giving back. Carr may have a lukewarm relationship with TV, but the podium loves him. Carr told the class that if he wasn’t a college football coach, he would have been a high school English teacher—and a very happy one. Carr was a teacher—one of the best this university has ever had. And over time, I’m convinced, that is exactly how Lloyd Carr will be remembered. You can also catch Bacon on Sunday on 1050AM WTKA’s Off The Field with co-host and M legend Jamie Morris.

  • Legal Review: Coach Rod and the Missing papers

    We first called upon MVictors’s legal correspondent to assess Shand v. Martin. With the all the scuttlebutt around the missing paperwork at West Virginia, we once again call in a favor to our guest law..talking..guy. His take: I’m not too familiar with these employment-related laws – it seems like Coach Rod’s agent and the assistant UM law professor quoted in the following this Free Press article are on track, but criminal liability strikes me as a bit far-fetched. Coach Rod is certainly allowed to destroy his own personal stuff, but what exactly did he destroy and who owns it? From another related legal angle, there are intellectual property laws that come into play in the employment setting — i.e., whether the records he creates in connection with his employment are the property of his employer. You might have had to sign an “inventions assignment” agreement (sometimes called a proprietary rights agreement) in your field, and many companies make that a standard part of their employee handbook and hiring practices. Those agreements essentially say that what you create in the course of your employment is the property of your employer. There are also specific intellectual property laws that come into play in this area. It’s a bit goofy in the coaching world – coaches take their playbooks wherever they go, for…

  • Decision 2008

    – Chris Webber decided he’s coming back to the NBA this season and has narrowed his list to three teams (the Pistons are not one of them). – Buckeye James Laurinaitis decided that he’s not going to the NFL next season and will terrorize the Big Ten for another season. Guest poster Schlimmy has already moved on from the LSU game. – Former M hoops star Glen Rice allegedly made a bad decision at his wife’s home. – The Michigan “SIGN GUY” decided enough was enough and defended his humorous sign routine conducted during the Michigan vs. Harvard hoops game (as documented by guest contributor Brady Bonus). Willie says M fans were “lovin’ it”, like Chris Webber loved paying for McDonald’s during his school days. Sign Guy’s comments here. – Mario Manningham officially decided to give the NFL a go, as reported here last. – Finally, Ryan Mallett decided that Arkansas is the place for him.

  • Must See: Expanded Wangler to Carter

    Check out Brian Cook’s AOL Fanhouse post on the new montage put together by the talented “expressfan”. It’s not just your same old Wangler to Carter. He’s got clips from the Bo and Brandstatter on Michigan Replay talking about the play and about broadcasting legend Bob Ufer. Plus, he thankfully includes a great clip of two plays prior to the famous pass when Michigan threw the ball right into Indiana coach Lee Corso’s hands to kill the clock. In one of the Ufer recordings (not provided here) you hear him talk about this but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it. It’s hilarious. Here’s the YouTube and don’t miss Cook’s take on the Fanhouse:

  • Love for Coach Rod, Shaq

    Coach Rod is receiving rave reviews with the fans and media for his bluntness and candidness. And he’s not stopping with the fans and the media. Remember the group of former alumni that met the team prior to the Notre Dame and Ohio State games, and all those that petitioned Bill Martin to consider Les Miles? Well, Rodriguez is working on something for them, from John Heuser in the Ann Arbor News Sunday: Wolverine reunion In an effort to introduce himself and his staff to former Michigan players, Rodriguez plans to host an event in Ann Arbor in February. “I want to meet all the guys that played here. I didn’t play here, so I didn’t know a lot of them. But I know how much pride they have in this place, and I want to meet ’em and talk to ’em, and I want to make sure all the former players feel welcome coming back here, and I think they will once they meet all the former players and staff members.” According to MVictors reader TC, the hockey game appearance went over big-time with the students. Apparently he didn’t just show up for an interview and to slap the puck across the ice. Here’s TC’s recap and take: Not only did he do a ceremonial puck drop he also…