• Death March Finals: Jon Gruden v. Brian Kelly

    Two tortuous weeks of Death March Madness have concluded and nearly 5,000 votes cast. 24 men started, two men remain, one man leaves with the title of People’s Choice for Michigan head coaching job. Through the tournament we’ve learned a few things. The far and away favorite Les Miles became taboo when the fiasco played out on Saturday. Before that, #1 seed Kirk Ferentz was wiped out as soon as he was rumored to be offered the job. Each men took a different path to get to this point with Kelly defeating Gary Pinkel and Bob Stoops leading to a easy win over California coach Jeff Tedford in the semi-final. Gruden dropped Ron English, Miles and finally squeaked by Rutgers coach Greg Schiano before reaching the finals. You can review the Full Bracket and Results here. Let’s look a little deeper at each man in the finals: Jon Gruden is just one of those guys that’s going to come up in the conversation [bio from buccaneers.com]. He of course gets instant cred with the Super Bowl ring. Unlike many NFL coaches, his Pete Carroll-esque charm and enthusiasm might make him a decent fit for the college game. He grew up in Ohio and earned three letters at Dayton where he played quarterback, so living in Ann Arbor wouldn’t present a…

  • New Low! Mike Martz mentioned

    The Death March that is the Michigan coaching search reached a new low this morning when a talk show caller uttered two words: “Mike Martz”. This dreadful suggestion just may have inspired a new bracket, now that Death March Madness is nearing a close. Perhaps we need a bracket of the worst candidates (#1 seed Mike DeBord in the Weis Region). Meanwhile, someone found this site today via a Google search using this search phrase “brian kelly, cam cameron, kirk ferentz, bob stoops, mike trgovac“. Seriously, what we’re you hoping to glean from that search? To this person, take a breath, chill out, put down that 7th Red Bull and step into a cold shower. (Assuming your gasket isn’t already blown).

  • Herbstreit, Carty explain what happened (audio)

    Two audio clips from today with key players in this weekend’s mess: First, from WDFN 1130AM Stoney and Wojo’s afternoon show, ESPN’s Kirk Herbstreit explains what happened on Saturday with the Les Miles mess. Two notes a) Source was “somebody who was going to be involved in the situation”. (sounds like Desmond) b) says ESPN pressured him to say it. Next, here’s Jim Carty of the Ann Arbor News on WTKA 1050AM this morning. Carty’s the guy that first reported that Herbstreit’s story was bunk, and in fact, Miles signed with LSU. Check it out: [display_podcast]

  • Reluctant Capital One take Michigan

    Any thoughts of Lloyd Carr, Hart, Henne and Long getting to tee off on the ACC’s #4 team are gone. Nope, they’ll get Urban Meyer and defending national champion Florida. An interesting match-up for sure, as Florida edged out Michigan for the second BCS championship spot last year and many (including Carr) were none too happy with the comments made by Meyer as he campaigned for his Gators. Water under the bridge maybe, but it’ll make for an interesting subplot. Required for the game? Your Urban Meyer Wiener gear while they last: Subplots: 1. As mentioned above, Hart, Henne, and Long and especially Carr’s last game. 2. Meyer vs. Carr after the bitterness of last year. 3. Is Urban Meyer a candidate for the coaching job? He didn’t exactly slam the door shut in recent comments. 4. Will a signficant number of Michigan fans go to this game? [Latest Ticket Prices here] 5. Will Michigan have named a coach by then? Will he be at the game?

  • The Death March Final Four

    Over 4,000 votes later you’ve got your Final Four in Death March Madness (current bracket HERE – background here). As promised we’re all worse off for having gone through this whole experience. The Michigan fan base is lashing out at anyone within focus and the coaching situation is pretty much as blurry as when Carr confirmed his retirement. You’ve indicated you hate #1 seed Kirk Ferentz and you now can’t stand Les Miles. Only one of the NFL candidates made it through is Chucky Gruden. As expected, Cincinnati headman Brian Kelly and Cal visionary Jeff Tedford are still alive. Here’s a look at the final Four: The Final Four is complete, here’s the current poll: {democracy}

  • Everyone take a cold shower

    Quoting the great Lew, a legend on this site, everyone needs to chill out a little bit. Venom is being sprayed everywhere and it is getting ridiculous. Scanning the blogs, message boards and talk shows, it seems you have a bone to pick with just about everyone: Lloyd Carr: For not liking Miles and for spinning this whole coach search to not hire Miles. Ok, so maybe he doesn’t like Miles. Since Carr coached with the man and knows him better than any of you ever will, maybe he’s on to something? Either way, if it is even true, all you are accusing Carr of doing is standing up for what he believes in, or in this case, who he doesn’t believe in. Chill out. Bill Martin: For not landing Miles. What should he have done? Secretly sign Miles before Carr even officially retired? Fine, but then he would have been accused of sneaking around and disrupting LSU’s season. Not cool. He asked for permission to speak with Miles after the regular season, that permission was granted. It looks like LSU made sure it wouldn’t happen. That’s not on Martin. Les Miles: For what? For indicating he loved Michigan and hinting he’d be interested in returning? or is it for burning Michigan? Mitch Albom suggested this was all a ruse…

  • Capital One After all…[?]

    To the chagrin of the Capital One bowl officials, looks like after yesterday’s shake up at the top Illinois will end up in the Rose Bowl [latest BCS projections], and that’ll put Michigan in the Capital One Bowl. Wisconsin and Penn State are already locked into the Outback and Alamo. As posted here, remember the bowl official offering an actual opinion weeks before selection: “At best, they’d be looking at the Alamo Bowl,” said Frank Frana, an official with the Capital One Bowl. “At best.” “There are at least four teams ahead of them: Ohio State, Illinois, Penn State and Wisconsin,” Frana said. “Their bowl opportunities are going to be tough.” Sorry dude. Oh, and how can I get your job? During the season you go to games to watch teams play to see if they’ll be a good fit for your bowl? You couldn’t watch them on TV, you need to go to the game. And all this ‘work’ eventhough you end up have little choice in the matter, really. Great JOB! And for Ohio State, another year where they won’t be going to Pasadena. Crazy phenomenon. Finally, it looks like this guy was on the ball.