• Sights & Sounds – That Never Gets Old | Michigan 38, Notre Dame 0 (2007)

    A few hours after that 38-0 beat down on the pathetic Coach Weis-led Irish, just a few thoughts:– Mallett was good enough but this team needs Henne back if there is any hope for a decent season. Nice work by Mallett against a feeble Irish team. – How bad were they? I’ve been to most of the home games since 1989 and I can’t remember a worse opponent. Seriously. This team was much worse than the 2003 Irish team that was beaten down by the same score. – Russell Crowe made it to the Big House to help out his new buddy Lloyd Carr. Not hip to the whole Carr/Crowe phenomenon? Click here for some context. – I love the Notre Dame rivalry and the fans, but to all the jackasses wearing the Appalachian State gear: 38-0, how does that taste? – Say what you want about Mike Hart and his statements before the game, but he completely rolled over those guys today. He delivered and overwhelmed those jokers. – As for Coach Weis, word on the street is that he’s holding an open try-out for the team on Monday. Wow – more to come on that.

  • Gut Check Time, Beat Irish!

    Coach Weis, you are my little gentleman…I’ll take you to foggy Londontown, because you are my little gentleman. Forget about the past 2 weeks and get up for this one. Michigan needs to win and is coming off as a 8 1/2 point favorite??? (As I suggested prior to Oregon, take the points!). For the sake of both teams, let’s hope this is the last time before 2031 that these teams start 0-2. A pep rally is going off this evening at Elbel field. I don’t think I’ll be able to make but if anyone gets any photos please forward. Remember, Go Blue and ‘To Hell with Notre Dame’!

  • Who Will Coach Michigan in 2008?

    The question of the day. We know that Lloyd Carr will not be fired by Bill Martin. It is up to Carr and he’s made certain arrangements in his contract to make it easier to do so after this season. We can speculate that Carr has already made up his mind but who knows for sure. Here’s a look at the final Four: Like the NCAA Final Four, we’ll start both semi-finals on the same day, vote for the next Michigan head coach: {democracy:31} {democracy:32}

  • Henne done? PSU Start time

    Rumors out of Ann Arbor are that Henne might be done for the season. If true, this might be a bigger blow than if M lost Mike Hart as least as it translates to wins and losses. We’ll see, Carr is about to address the media. UPDATE: Good news, looks like Henne won’t make the ND game but may be back. Carr said he’s “in good spirits”. I drink a few good spirits after last game. Also- looks like the Penn State will be on ABC at 3:30. Umm, is it because ABC knows this hopeless trainwreck is a popular spectacle?

  • Cracks in the Foundation

    It’s clear that folks are reeling over this one and the focus is turning to the future of this program. Lloyd Carr is still mum on his plans and I think the fire Carr brigades realize he’s not going to be sacked. There’s still a season to play and much to play for/preseve. Mike Hart has already come out and said that he’s going to help turn this around and guaranteed victory over Notre Dame. Here’s some takes on this mess: – Mallett and Henne. The young freshman saw his first action on Saturday after Henne went down. There was some loud cheering when Mallett went into the game for the first time. Some interpreted this as cheering for Chad Henne’s injury – it wasn’t. It was simply some excitement over Mallett and for a change. Most the stadium didn’t even realize Henne was banged up. – What the injury means. For any M fans feeling good that Mallett is probably going to start against Notre Dame, you shouldn’t. While the young guy has an incredible arm and a lot of promise, but he probably knows a quarter of plays that Henne does and DeBord won’t open up the offense with the kid in there. Bottom line: Michigan’s best chance to win is far and away with Henne. – Toughness…

  • Media Watch: Post Game Oregon

    Here’s some more medicine: Jamie Morris on WTKA 1050AM Ann Arbor’s ‘Off the Field’: The former Michigan star urged everyone to get off Carr’s back and to not “bury” him. He did acknowledge that LSU’s Les Miles is a good Michigan Man and “he’ll always be a Michigan Man.” He also indicated there would be a national search for a new coach (that is, when Carr steps down). John Canzano, Oregonian: “Ducks coach Mike Bellotti told me after the game that it took him exactly one offensive series to understand Oregon was going to have a big day. He said it took 2-3 series on defense before he realized they could stop Michigan.” Rob Parker, Detroit News: “Michigan has bigger problems than not being prepared. That was the excuse for losing to the Mountaineers last Saturday. There is no excuse this week. Michigan knew what task was ahead of them against the Ducks. They just couldn’t do anything about it.” Mitch Albom, Free Press: “I hate to put it this way, but there have been [Detroit] Lions games less embarrassing than this.” Drew Sharp, Free Press: “His future now becomes an unavoidable distraction to his players and his assistants. The story won’t go away because even if all agree that Michigan was overrated — nobody expected it to get exposed…

  • Duckspotting

    Friday night before a home game always makes it exciting around Ann Arbor, especially around campus and down on Main Street. Several sources confirmed the following sightings around town on Friday: Phil Knight. The Nike czar and billionaire rolled up in a black SUV in mid-afternoon at the legendary Dominick’s for some good times and perhaps a few Sangrias? Knight is a little late to save the Nike contract with the school but not too late to have a good time with the locals. Pat Kilkenny. The new Oregon Athletic director Pat Kilkenny was hanging out at the Main Street mainstay Conor O’Neill’s Friday night. Was Kilkenny decked out in Oregon green and high yellow like the rest of the Duck faithful? No chance. This was a business trip and the UO AD kept it real in a white shirt and tie.