• Good Reads

    A few good reads out there: – Blue-Gray Sky’s Pick Six game for 2007, even though they stole my Bo-bblehead animated gif with no acknowledgement. Blue Gray sky fans, this is for you. – Michigan Football Saturdays on five players to watch in the opener this weekend. – A piece from last month in The New York Times on the power of college football forums and blogs especially as sources of recruiting watchdogs. – How Chad Henne learned to be a jerk, from the Detroit News.

  • Super Drew’s Done?

    Looks like the Vikings cut Super Drew Henson, perhaps this saga is done. His path took the high school phenom to some of the biggest stages on the American sports lanscape: Brighton High School, The University of Michigan, New York Yankees, Dallas Cowboys and now of course he’s leaving Minnesota. The guy garnered constant attention – witness the full page piece on SD that ran in USA Today just two months ago. Other than some solid moments at Michigan, he’ll be remembered as a guy who couldn’t achieve the impossible expectations that were set for him. There are still many around Ann Arbor that are bitter at Henson for leaving Michigan to play baseball; there’s talk of a promise broken to Lloyd Carr about his commitment to stay. Not me. I don’t blame him for taking his shot. To think that he was ever obligated to remain at Michigan is either just not true or none of my business. If Carr or the coaching staff had ill will toward Henson they haven’t shown it recently. Last year SD showed up for the Minnesota game where Henne and crew reclaimed the Little Brown Jug. So what’s next for Henson? Perhaps another shot to catch on with an NFL team or maybe some more time in another league. Don’t know, but you’d…

  • Team Survey Results

    The Ann Arbor News posted the results of its annual team survey. They asked 18 players to answer a variety of questions and here are a few notes: Q. Will Lloyd Carr retire after this season? Don’t know – 11 votes No – 7 votes. Q: Best player in the Big Ten outside U-M (last year Troy Smith ran away with this): P.J. Hill (Wisconsin) – 4 votes James Laurenitis (Ohio State) – 2 votes Brian Hoyer (Mich State) – 1 vote Javon Ringer (Mich State) – 1 vote Q: What are you looking forward to most about the stadium renovation: More noise – 5 votes “Nothing” – 2 votes Q: Who’s the hardest hitter? John Thompson – 7.5 votes Q: Who should win the Heisman? Mike Hart – 9 votes Chad Henne – 1 vote Hart or Henne – 7 votes Chris Graham – voted for himself saying “I’m going to be a history-maker.”

  • Mallett Mayhem: Fan Day 2007

    Another year and another Fan Day, your brief window to meet the coaches and players that make up this year’s squad. Here’s what we learned: 90 MinutesWhile I appreciate the players and coaches making time to do stuff like this, am I the only one who feels like an hour and a half is not quite enough? It didn’t help that a) the MC announced how much time was left in the event while reminding folks of how important the team’s time was, and; b) the clock was counting down the time left for people to clear out. Found a Kicker?According to the Free Press and noted by mgoblog, looks like we have Rivas’s replacement. His name is Jason Gringell and count me as one person who: a) knows that it takes some luck and a few close calls to win championships, especially national championships, b) realizes that difference could fall on the foot of the kicker, and; c) is anxious to see how this guy looks. Elsewhere, looks like Carson Butler has cleared a path to contribute. Mallett ManiaFans couldn’t get enough of true freshman Ryan Mallett. Those planning the event anticipated the rage over the cocky Texan. He had a gated-off section of his own along with handlers. The line to get a piece of the future M…

  • Weather to Threaten Fan Day?

    The weather forecast looks a little grim for Fan Day tomorrow. Mgoblue.com released a presser that contained three key times: 7:30 AM: When, in the case of weather, they’ll make the call on whether to cancel the event. 8:30 AM: Gates open. 9:30 AM: Players and coaches arrive to start signing. 11:00 AM: Event Ends. Also from the official site is a map of where you can find everybody. The Fan Day is appreciated but you feel like it is a little bit like the 15 minute Caddy Swim.

  • Blue make Bad Company for Vols

    The proliferation of video game highlights and simulations is getting pretty annoying, especially, I imagine, for people that don’t play these games. YouTube has been flooded recently with special vid clips and even complete games. Each Saturday morning last season the Ann Arbor News made us suffer through a recap of the “game” against that day’s opponent played out on someone’s XBox. “Manningham had a big day…blah, blah,..M had trouble converting inside the red zone..blah, blah”. Great story. Compelling and rich. This is more my speed. Vying for a spot in the coveted Floral Bowl, the Wolverines squared off against the Tennessee Vols upon the rectangle-circle that is electric football. To the sounds of Bad Company and laid down in still photography (a la pay-per-view boxing highlights) check out this masterpiece: Is that some sort of wall of fame in the North end zone? Is the Floral Bowl trophy filled with chocolate? I love the fun size-down and distance markers. Is one guy dedicated to manning the chains? Are there measurements? I’d like to see Jim Carty and John Heuser of the News play each game out on this surface and then report back the results. Might be hard finding Appalachian State electric football guys.

  • AP Vote Review

    A quick scan of the AP votes in the initial poll yielded one notion: the 2007 Wolverines little love from the national guys. I really don’t care at this point and it all comes out in the wash but…of the Gameday set, Herbstreit has Michigan #10, Fowler #7. Craig James of ABC has the Blue slotted #7 as well, and SI.com “guru” Stewart Mandel slots M sixth. The Ann Arbor News’ John Heuser started the Wolverines at #4 while David Birkett of the Oakland Press thinks all is good in Ann Arbor with a #2 vote. Speaking of Herbstreit, I heard Mike Hart speaking on Herby’s show on 1640 1460AM in Columbus on today, taped during the Big Ten kick-off. Hart likened Michigan’s defense in 2007 to the Buckeyes’ D last year, and as expected pumped up his defensive brethren. Michigan Mike also acknowledged that the individual goals do matter to him, but not before winning.

  • Bloggers done good

    Big props to the team of writers & bloggers that pulled together “Hail to Victors 2007”, a preview of this year’s M football season. As editor Brian Cook of mgoblog argues in the opener, content from the blogosphere can reach highs that “far outstrip those produced by a newspaper industry reports and forgets in a day.” I think they hit the mark with this one. Overview Some might say it’d be hard for a guide titled “HAIL TO THE VICTORS” with a section on M opponents section titled “THE ENEMY” to be unbiased. Yes, the content slants towards maize side of the house, but they authors solicited the help of those inside enemy camps to offer analysis. The Notre Dame preview is dropped by Brian Stouffer of The House Rock Built, and the rest of the opponents overviews were submitted by Matt Hinton of Sunday Morning Quarterback. Cook’s review of the offense and defense provides an assessment of what each player has (and hasn’t) brought to the field to date along with what needs to happen in 2007 to make it work. He touches on points that you and the dude sitting next to you in the stadium are thinking (after your whiskey buzz from the tailgate starts to wear off). A few examples: On Tight ends “Tight end…is a…