• Urban Meyer Wiener

    Coach Outraged over possible RematchSALINE, MICHIGAN Memo to Urban Meyer, take a cold shower. Check out this quote I snagged from ESPN.com this evening from the Florida coach: Florida coach Urban Meyer said Sunday a rematch between Michigan and Ohio State would be cause for immediate change to the BCS. “If that does happen, all the [university] presidents need to get together immediately and put together a playoff system,” he said. “I mean like now, January or whenever to get that done.” Part of me wishes they would institute a playoff anyway, but Coach Meyer, why the outrage? He went on to explain that it wouldn’t be fair to Ohio State [that’s life without a playoff, Coach], that Michigan had their shot and didn’t even win their conference. He then went on to explain why the other close teams (Arkansas, Notre Dame, and USC) really didn’t deserve a shot either. With two weeks left in the season it is clear this man has no class. Here’s to hoping that Lloyd Carr quietly defends his team’s chance on a neutral-field game against the Buckeyes, but leaves it at that. I don’t know if Meyer still has an out clause in his contract to coach at Michigan, but someone should tell Meyer that Michigan doesn’t hire weiners. The problem with all these…

  • Blue Barely Budge in 11.19 Polls

    NOVEMBER 19 Looks like the voters were impressed enough with Michigan’s performance on Saturday to keep them just about where they started before the game. The BCS Poll which was just released had Michigan holding fast at #2, just ahead of Southern Call. The Associated Press, which doesn’t factor in the BCS ratings, have Michigan holding fast at #2 albeit losing a little ground. The Coaches Poll & Harris Polls dropped Michigan to #3 but close behind #2 USC. Here’s the thoughts on this:

  • CBS Sportsline Projects BCS Rematch

    NOVEMBER 19 In the aftermath of the epic clash in Columbus, the groundswell for a rematch in Glendale is rising. The first of the BCS Bowl Projections are out, with one source (CBS Sportsline) projecting a rematch. This will be interesting, the late score definitely made this a topic of conversation. The sentiment on a rematch ranges from likely to marginal, needing to rely on a series of events. We’ll know a lot more when the polls are released Sunday.

  • Buckeyes Prevail in Classic, 42-39

    SALINE MICHIGAN Minutes after the end of ‘The Game’, wow, what a game, it seems a blur now. Maybe that’s the impact of a baker’s dozen of Miller Lites. Maybe it’s the after shock of a season that could have been. Perhaps, just perhaps, there’s the air of wonderment around what will play out in the next two weeks in with the 1 loss challengers. Here’s some quick answers to some likely questions: – Did Ohio State deserve to win? Yes. – Did Michigan play like champions? Yes. – Does Michigan look like the 2nd best team in the country? Probably. – Is a rematch out of the question? No way. So here I am, just 30 minutes from the final whistle and while I’m disappointed you have to be proud of how M stood in there, you have to be upset at the late penalty, you have to wonder what could have been. But soon your thoughts turn to what might be. What if the nation thinks Michigan deserves a rematch? What does a close Michigan win in Glendale resolve? Instead of answers on ‘Judgement Day’ or ‘Armaggedon’ or ‘The Game’, we have more questions. At least around who deserves the other spot in the BCS Championship.

  • Blognostication: What Might Happen

    SALINE, MICHIGAN Here on the morning of the biggest game that will probably ever involve Michigan, I see a few different ways this thing will play out. A lot of people have speculated on what the impact of Bo’s passing will be, most say it won’t have much given that the players already knew how much was on the line in the game…weeks ago.

  • Carr Featured in SI

    SALINE, MI Coach Carr was featured in Sport Illustrated this week as a pre-cursor to the game. Here are a few solid quotes from the piece by Austin Murphy. Many of the vocal critics in Wolverine Nation bayed for a new direction. One of the reasons that Michigan is No. 2….is that Carr agreed with them.

  • Want Bowl Tickets? Pony Up.

    Victors Club Send Priority Point Totals and Why you Won’t Get Them SALINE, MICHIGAN Remember the scramble for Rose Bowl tickets back in 1997? I was a low on the pole Victors Club and alumni club member and a season tickets holder. I got shut out cold. Fortunately I was attending Indiana University at the time and was able to score a couple of IU’s allotment from my Economics professor. Dr. Jaffe commended me for my persistence on getting the tickets, but wished I had exhibited such focus in his classroom. Memo to Prof Jaffe: It’s about passion man…and the law of diminishing marginal returns doesn’t float the H.M.S Victors.

  • Wait Until You See the Inside

    “Ladies and Gentleman, Welcome to the Big Toaster Oven..”SALINE, MICHIGAN I never really questioned why the first batch of stadium renovation drawings only included the outside of the new structure. Thankfully many in the public did, and this week Bill Martin released artist renderings of what the inside of the Big House in 2008. You can view all the photos here. I guess I expected the outside of the building to translate to how the inside would look, that is, with a lot of brick. There is no brick.