Do you remember the last time Miami, OH came to town? Maybe not right off the bat, but that was the opener of the 2004 season when Lloyd Carr made the (perceived) last minute switch at quarterback, deciding to go with the freshman. Check out this ancient post on the game which was held September 4, 2004:
First off, Lloyd Carr starting a true freshman (Chad Henne) blew my mind. The whispers around the program indicated that Henne was tearing it up during camp and pre-season practices. We’re still not exactly sure what happened to Matt Gutierrez

I was up North on vacation and I remember hearing the word on the Michigan radio network a few hours before the game. I’m sure Eerhole was on it on the message boards.
There was also a brief mention of a new running back, nickname compliments of WTKA drive time host Dennis Fithian:
True freshman ‘Michigan’ Mike Hart looked really good on his 3 carries – I wonder if we’ll see him vs. ND.
Those three carries went for 20 yards that game, and Yep, we saw him against the Irish for five more carries and 17 more yards. He made his first start in game #3 against San Diego State and blew up.
Related: Spawn of M Zone’s has its Know Your Foe: Miami, OH version, dig it. Only issue, I didn’t see one mention of the hot co-eds.