Someone please. I didn’t hear it, but I found a bunch of folks searching and finding this site for “Lou Holtz Michigan comment” and investigated.
As posted on Deadspin, apparently Lou Holtz linked the Rodriguez regime to….Hilter:
The context of the conversation was about Rich Rodriguez’s not-so-great start as the University of Michigan’s head coach and Holtz chose this phrase as part of his analysis.: “Ya know, Hitler was a great leader too.”
The most disturbing thing here is the stupidity and ignorance of Holtz. If Holtz wanted to make a point that you need more than leadership to succeed, certainly he could have found a better parallel in the experience of another coach (perhaps one of the thousands that have been fired and then found success elsewhere). Second, how out of touch do you have to be to think that you can draw references to Hitler on ESPN and that’s somehow ok?
Meanwhile, I’ve noticed that several Texas sites are on the Holtz warpath, as traffic from sites that bleed burnt orange have been peppering my audio of Jason Peter’s interview on Jim Rome, where Peter explained an alleged situation that pretty much makes Holtz a complete putz.
Holtz is a putz
Holtz is a putz and should be punished for reference of Hilter being a great leader. Kiss my tuchas in drad Holtz. Just because he’s an old cranky man the comment is going to be pushed under the rug. Push Holtz out of ESPN. Enough is enough. Let him suffer for this stupid remarks. Holtz is a anti-semite.
Is it me, or does Holtz sound like a washing machine when he talks. Geez. Also, is the football in that picture flat? Geez. Also, is that picture really in black & white? Holtz is old. Geez.