• Has the Original 1903 Jug Survived?

    In this video I examine a common question: Did the original jug, found by Gopher equipment manager Oscar Munson following the 1903 Minnesota-Michigan 6-6 tie, survive to the present day? In other words, is the jug the teams exchange today that same, original crock? We examine the evidence, from the paint jugs, to old photos, to press reports and most importantly, the expert opinion of Ryan Forrey from the Henry Ford Museum.

  • Jug 401: Did Yost really want the Little Brown Jug returned?

    In this short video, I take a look at the origin story involving Michigan's coach Fielding H. Yost asking for the return of the jug after the 1903 game. I also take a look at the alleged the response from Minnesota that he and Michigan would need "to WIN it back." This story is important to origin story of college football oldest rivalry trophy tradition, but is it really what happened? I examine some of the problems with and much more in this video.