Our first guest! "The Brain" Brad Feinberg is a professional sports gambler and so good he's banned on every app and several casinos. Before we chat with Brad we discuss our weird history attending the NBA Draft.
Warm Welcome
Chris Webber was honorary captain out there today and I'll admit I was worried about the bad juju. Didn't happen, not even close. For starters Michigan won the coin toss on his watch, and you know the rest.
Jalen: “It’s a Flagrant Omission” if Webber doesn’t come to the Finals
HT to Sam Webb for pointing this out on the WTKA Michigan Insider this morning. Via Grantland, here’s Jalen Rose’s plea/call out to Chris Webber to be at the game tonight: Jalen expects the rest of the Fab Five to be in the house. Follow MVictors on Twitter
Hang Five
photo via Macaroni Tony photo Paul Sancya (AP) via ESPN So from the recent comments of Mary Sue Coleman and Dave Brandon, rest assured that the ‘92 and ‘93 banners will remain on the shelf at the BHL evermore. But DB opened the door to honoring the controversial quintet in some other way: Are there (different) banners we could put up, though? Yeah, there are," he says. "I’d love to celebrate the Fab Five. Are there conditions on which that has to happen? For sure. But we’ve been very open and vocal about that, and there’s just nothing new on this subject. Brandon’s conditions are tied to Chris Webber admitting to taking money from Ed Martin and apologizing in some form. Don’t hold your breath. Based on the calls to WTKA I’m guessing most of you would just like to see nothing happen and move on. I get that. I’m ok with leaving the banners at the BHL but I would like to see these guys honored in some form or another. (I openly admit my huge bias—I was at U-M during the heyday of the Fab Five). A suggestion—when the time is right, why not retire #5 as a ceremonial nod to the group and a not-so-subtle tribute to Jalen (who wore #5 and was the leader of the…