If you don’t know what this means, you don’t know @bacari34 – HALOL! Blanket coverage of the game with sound, video and analysis by Dylan and Joe (damn, Joe’s voice kinda of sounds like mine) over at UMHoops where Beilein talks about moving the fence. Check out AnnArbor.com as well. So what were you doing/saying/feeling as this shot went up? Me: I let out a “COME. ON.” But it wasn’t a jubilant “Come On!” and it certainly wasn’t a “Come On” that you give when the punt returner fumbles or someone takes a bad shot. It was more like “COME…ON.” like you are trying to lift a heavy weight (like a gorilla off your back) or open a brutally tight lid on a jar. Or open a heavy jar with a tight lid. Whatever. P.S. Lucas was unbelievable. I was in Breslin back in the day when Steve Smith absolutely KILLED Michigan and Kalin’s second half run reminded me of that performance. Dang this win is sweet and Disco Stu’s shot was absolutely perfect. Props to Novak, Stu and the whole crew for a unexpected great night.