The University of Michigan has a long history of producing cutting-edge collegiate publications. Barb Cossman has run point on the content produced by U-M media relations since 2001. As editorial director, she oversees the creation of media guides and programs, including the special commemorative editions like we saw for 2011 Notre Dame ‘Under the Lights’ game. During Barb’s tenure, Michigan pioneered moving away from printed materials when they went to an all-digital media guide for the 2009 season. Over the past decade, thanks in large part to Cossman’s leadership, U-M’s publications have won multiple national awards. She was kind enough to chat with me about the past, present, and future of collegiate publications at U-M: MVictors: Michigan was one of the pioneers to eliminate the printed media guide by going purely digital. What prompted the move to go with a paperless media guide in 2009? Cossman: There were probably a few reasons. One of them was to save money, one of them, I like to think, was to save paper. And just the foresight that everything was moving to digital. The media guides, to that point, had served two purposes. Because of NCAA legislation they had to fulfill the demands of media and the demands of recruiting. The coaches used the media guides on recruiting trips to give to prospective…