You heard? On an recent email thread in my inbox someone mentioned they heard Jim Rome talking about how Rodriguez played Bette Midler at the banquet. I was there and even live blogged for the second year in a row if you missed it. (It was going well until the Dee Hart to Bama rumors emerged and unfolded during the middle of the bust and the live chat went sideways for a spell. Recruitniks! <shakes fist>) So regarding Rodriguez’s speech and the Josh Groban moment. I was seated in the back of the room. Rich Rod starting his final words around 9pm and lost in all the Grobanathon is that Rodriguez delivered an excellent speech. It was passionate, heartfelt and he seemed truly humbled in the moment. About ten minutes in he dropped two of his big lines, “Our time is coming, and it’s coming in a big way”, and “We’ll let people jump on the bandwagon. They may not get a front seat.” You forget that Rodriguez is a skilled public speaker in these type of forums. Then came the Groban stuff, about 10 minutes in. When RR first mentioned the pop-opera crooner I winced. When he recited the lyrics I chuckled & when they started blasting the tune I cringed. And it was LOUD. I think it would…